Thursday, June 27, 2013

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35 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013068424 California Department of Parks and Recreation American River Canyon Rim Overlook Project
2013068430 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Gansner Bar Fish Barrier Removal Project SAA #1600-2013-0066-R2
2009091001 California Department of Transportation, District 12 San Diego Freeway I-405 Improvement Project
2011052084 City of Richmond Richmond-Ohlone Greenway Gap Closure
2013068427 City of Winters Lester Farms Bakery Remodel
2013061056 City of Los Angeles ENV-2013-1062-MND/617 E. Rose Avenue
2013042069 Contra Costa County Land Use Permit for a Proposed AT&T Free-Standing Telecommunications Facility (CF#LP12-2134)
2013052019 City of Hughson City of Hughson Well No. 7 Replacement Project
2013068421 March Joint Powers Authority SP-1 Amendment #4 and March JPA Resolution #JPA 13-14
2013068425 State Water Resources Control Board Application 30870 to Appropriate Water by Permit
2013061057 San Luis Obispo County Manders McCauley Minor Use Permit DRC2011-00036
2013068422 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Allen-McColloch Pipeline Cathodic Protection - Final Design
2013061054 City of El Cajon General Plan Housing Element
2013068110 City of Placerville Hangtown Creek Retaining Wall Replacement Project
1999031096 City of Santee Town Center Specific Plan Amendment (TCSPA 04-01) Riverview at Santee Phase I
2013062067 San Joaquin County PA-1300070 (MS)
2013062068 Humboldt Bay Harbor Humboldt Bay Mariculture Pre-Permitting Project
2013068420 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Stone Valley Road Off-ramp Slide Repair
2009012010 Marin County Easton Point Rezoning, Master Plan, Precise Plan, and Tentative Subdivision Map
2013068431 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Removal and Installation of Traffic Striping - 4H9501 / 0413000334
2013068428 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Streambed Alteration Agreement #1600-2013-0058-R2 Willow Creek Erosion Control and Habitat Enhancement
2013068432 State Water Resources Control Board Temporary Transfer of 20,000 Acre-fet of Water - Water Right Permits 13856 and 13858
2013068429 Humboldt County Caltrans Guardrail
2009061013 City of La Mesa Alvarado Trunk Sewer Upgrade Project
2013062066 Sacramento Area Council of Governments Sacramento International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan
2013051017 Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) North Recharge Pipelines at 294th Street West Turnout
2013051017 Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) North Recharge Pipelines at 294th Street West Turnout
2008052110 University of California Santa Cruz Infrastructure Improvements, Phase 2
2008052110 University of California Santa Cruz Infrastructure Improvements, Phase 2
2013068423 California Department of Transportation, District 5 Bridge Deck Maintenance; EA 05-1C910_; P1 0513000011
2010101082 City of Los Angeles Ponte Vista
2012091053 City of Los Angeles Single-Use Plastic Carryout Bag Ordinance
2013061055 City of Long Beach Update to the City of Long Beach General Plan Housing Element
2013042037 City of Roseville Draft 2013-2021 Housing Element
2013068426 State Water Resources Control Board Water Rights Application 31447 of Omnium Estates