Wednesday, January 31, 2007

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27 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2007012125 Yolo County Emerald Homes Story Subdivision
2007011143 San Bernardino County, Superintendent of Schools Apple Valley North Early Education Center
2007018233 Fish & Game #2 Lake Concow ADA Fishing Access Cleanup, 1600-2006-407-R2
2006021032 Santa Barbara County McNamara Lot Split, 06NGD-00000-00001 (05TPM-00000-00016)
2007018236 Department of Toxic Substances Control Interim Measure Workplan for Former Coastal Multichrome Plating Facility
2007018234 Fish & Game #2 Environmental Review 2007-01, SAA# 1600-2006-0514-RS
2006041050 City of Los Angeles Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan Programmatic EIR/EIS
2007011141 City of Rolling Hills Estates Laing Urban Residential Project
2007018237 Department of Toxic Substances Control GCA Lease Holding, Inc., Interim Measures for Excavating Impacted Soils
2007012128 Trinity County Cooney Tentative Map (P-06-82)
1991031100 Los Angeles County The Agua Dulce Residential Project, County Project No. TR50385
2006071094 San Diego County San Pasqual Academy - Major Use Permit (MUP) Modification, MUP No. P74-006W3
2007012131 Calaveras County 2005-125 Zoning Amendment & Tentative Parcel Map for Sherri Shively
2000031025 San Diego County Cielo del Norte, TM 5182RPL7 TE; ER No. 99-08-042A
2005072122 Solano County Dove Creek Ranch Subdivision (Z-01-03, PP-01-03, S-01-03)
2007018232 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Adoption of Final Site Cleanup Requirements for the Property Referred to as Hookston Station and Located at 228 Hookston Road, Pleasant Hill, Contra Costa Count
2007012132 Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District Rancho Cotate High School Modernization Project
2007012129 Contra Costa County El Pueblo Public Housing Disposition and Potential Demolition County File # FM06-0001
2007011144 City of Lake Elsinore WatersEdge Specific Plan (Eastlake Specific Plan Amendment No. 5 and General Plan Amendment)
2007012126 Yolo County Emerald Homes / E. Parker Subdivision
2007012127 Sacramento County Davlil Tentative Parcel Map and Exception
2007012124 Yolo County Capay Cottages/John Deterding
2007012130 Gratton School District Proposed Gratton Elementary School Expansion Project, 4500 South Gratton Road, Denair, California
2007011145 City of San Juan Capistrano Capital Improvement Project (CIP), Interstate-5/La Novia Avenue Northbound Project
2006112106 Patterson Irrigation District Fish Screen Project
2007011142 City of Corona TTM 34584
2007018235 California State University, San Francisco (SFSU) San Francisco State University Acquisition of Real Property