SCH Number 1991031100

Project Info

The Agua Dulce Residential Project, County Project No. TR50385
The proposed project is a revised Tentative Tract Map to alter the previously approved but unrecorded portion of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 50385 (TTM 50385) in order to subdivide currently undeveloped land into 247 single family lots, 4 open space lots, 2 water tank lots, 2 park lots, 1 water reclamation lot and plant, and equestrian trails. The previously recorded 68 residential lots of TR50385 on the east end of the project site will not be revised. The project requires approximately 3,750,000 cubic yards of grading. The project site is traversed by two high pressure natural gas lines and was once used as a pig farm. The applicant is seeking a revised Conditional Use Permit for development of residential uses and a water reclamation plant within a Hillside management area and on an Oak Tree Permit. A Sewer Maintenance District will be formed to operate and maintain the proposed on-site water reclamation plant. Site ingress and egress wil be taken from Valley Sage Road and from Sierra Highway via "H" Street.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County The Agua Dulce Residential Project, County Project No. TR50385
Los Angeles County The Agua Dulce Residential Project, County Project No. TR50385
Los Angeles County The Agua Dulce Residential Project
Los Angeles County 91053 TR 50385 AGUA DULCE
Los Angeles County 91053 TR 50385 AGUA DULCE