Friday, April 7, 2017

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78 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2017048103 Kern County PLN17-00515
2017041027 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery North SLO county Recycling and Transfer Station New Full Solid Waste Facility Permit
2017048126 Kern County PLN17-00470
2017048120 Kern County PLN17-00423
2017048143 Kern County PLN17-00499
2017042029 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Environmental Cleanup of IR-6 and IR-8 Drainages, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2017048106 Kern County PLN17-00541
2017048100 Tuolumne County Conditional Use Permit CUP17-002
2017048123 Kern County PLN17-00467
2017048146 Kern County PLN17-00500
2017042026 City of Burlingame Rehabilitation of El Portal / Trousdale Channel and Nine Flap Gates on Sanchez Lagoon Project
2017048134 Kern County PLN17-00451
2017048097 Inland Empire Utility Agency San Sevaine Monitoring Wells Project, Project No. EN13001
2017048091 Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Service Optimization for Northern CA Passenger Rail Operators
2017048114 Kern County PLN17-00417
2017048137 Kern County PLN17-00446
2017048094 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mobilitie 16 Sites Alameda, El Dorado, San Bernadino, Kern, San Diego, Counties
2017048117 Kern County PLN17-00420
2017048140 Kern County PLN17-00496
2017048118 Kern County PLN17-00421
2017048141 Kern County PLN17-00497
2017048135 Kern County PLN17-00452
2017048098 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Clifton Court Forebay Dam, No. 1-64
2017048121 Kern County PLN17-00465
2017048115 Kern County PLN17-00418
2017048138 Kern County PLN17-00447
2017048101 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Bryte Bend Bridge Rehabilitation Project
2017041025 City of Lake Elsinore Lakeshore Town Center
2017048095 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) J&T Cattle Company No. 1 Dam, No. 567
2017048089 California State Lands Commission Request for a Letter of Non-Objective to Create Temporary Trenches for the Lower Owens Project Spring Pulse Flows
2017048112 Kern County PLN17-00415
2017048129 Kern County PLN17-00444
2017048092 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Santa Margarita CAPM (EA 05-1G5700)
2017042032 City of Pleasanton Spotorno Ranch Project
2017048109 Kern County PLN17-00412
2017048132 Kern County PLN17-00449
2017048133 Kern County PLN17-00450
2017048090 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) 120 El Portal Drive Retaining Wall (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0228-R3)
2017048113 Kern County PLN17-00416
2015112042 City of Vacaville Roberts' Ranch Specific Plan & Development Project
2017049009 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0079-R1 "chicken Lily" THP
2017048136 Kern County PLN17-00453
2017048130 Kern County PLN17-00445
2017048093 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mobilitie 202 Wireless Sites
2016101025 California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) 2016 Master Plan
2017048116 Kern County PLN17-00419
2017048110 Kern County PLN17-00413
2017042027 City of Redding Henderson-Parview Open Space Restoration, Trail and Kayak Access Project
2017041028 California Department of Transportation, District 6 State Route 137 Traffic Signal
2017048104 Kern County PLN17-00524
2017048127 Kern County PLN17-00462
2015052036 City of San Jose Mazzone Bridge Construction (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0383-R3)
2017042030 San Joaquin County (PA-0500469) Six Year Time Extension for a Previously Approved Major Subdivision
2017048144 Kern County PLN17-00495
2017048107 Kern County PLN17-00542
2017048124 Kern County PLN17-00468
2017048147 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1E (CDFW) Felix Water Diversion and Road Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0287-R
2017048088 California State Lands Commission Letter of Non-Objection for a Pilot Project for Aquatic Invasive Plant Control Using Ultraviolet Light in Lake Tahoe at Lakeside Marina and Lakeside Swim Beach
2017048111 Kern County PLN17-00414
2017042028 Tuolumne County Pluim Zone Changes RZ16-002 & Tentative Parcel Map T16-009(1)
2017041029 City of Rancho Cucamonga Design Review DRC2016-00814
2017048105 Kern County PLN17-00540
2017048128 Kern County PLN17-00463
2017042031 City of Livermore First Street Corridor General Plan Amendment / Auburn Grove Project
2014082075 California Department of Transportation, District 6 U.S. 395 Sheepranch Shoulder Widening Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0228-R6)
2017048108 Kern County PLN17-00543
2017048131 Kern County PLN17-00464
2017048125 Kern County PLN17-00469
2017048096 Inland Empire Utility Agency DeClez Monitoring Well Project, Project No. EN17067
2017048119 Kern County PLN17-00422
2017048142 Kern County PLN17-00498
2017048099 Tuolumne County Tentative Parcel Map T17-007
2017048122 Kern County PLN17-00466
2016112037 Tuolumne County Site Development Permit SDP16-003
2017048145 Kern County PLN17-00558
2017048139 Kern County PLN17-00448
2017048102 Kern County PLN17-00424
2017041026 Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Long Term Facility Needs Study