Wednesday, November 1, 2006

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43 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2006111005 City of Carson Annexation No. 01-2006, Pre-zoning Case No. 154-06, General Plan Amendment No. 80-06
2001111151 California Department of Transportation, District 7 Interstate 5 Corridor Improvement Project from SR-91 to I-605
2006112004 Yuba County TPM2005-0007
2006112001 City of Grass Valley Wolf Creek Village
2006118012 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wildwood Ranger's Residence Fencing (06/07-IE-07)
2006111002 City of Victorville Tentative Parcel Map PM-06-026 (Tract 18307)
2006118006 California Department of Parks and Recreation New Brighton Audio Trail
2006118009 Tuolumne County Design Review Permit DR06-085
2006118007 Tuolumne County Design Review Permit DR06-083
2006118013 California Department of Parks and Recreation Communication Lines, Red Rock Canyon SP (06/07-IE-11)
2006011066 City of Blythe Colorado River 500 Specific Plan EIR
2006118010 Tuolumne County Design Review Permit DR06-091
2006091080 Department of Toxic Substances Control Draft Remedial Investigation Work Plan for the Former Trabuco Bombing Range, Rancho Santa Margarita
2006091134 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources South Trico
2006112007 Department of Toxic Substances Control Alternative Management Standards for Treated Wood Waste
2006061167 San Diego County Plaza Bonita Bike Path
2006118001 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Construct Detention Facilities
2006022129 City of Napa Jameson Canyon Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project
2006064001 United States Air Force (USAF) EA for the Integration and Developmental Testing of HPM Systems at Edwards AFB, CA
2006118004 California Department of Parks and Recreation Gold Coast Sand Nationals, Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area
2006118008 Tuolumne County Design Review Permit DR06-087
2006118002 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Trinity 299 Parcel Sale
2006112008 City of Modesto La Loma Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Upgrades
2006118005 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wilder Ranch Sandhills Prescribed Burn
1998041146 San Diego County Upper San Diego River Improvement Project; GPA 99-03;SPA 00-002;R99-004; Log No. 98-10-14
2006112005 City of Gilroy Hecker Pass Master Infrastructure Plan
2006052091 Calaveras County 2002-51 Zoning Amendment, Tentative Parcel Map and Conditional Use Permit - Baldwin
2006111003 City of Newport Beach Mariner's Mile Waterfront Walkway
2006042124 Albany Unified School District (AUSD) Albany High School Cougar Field Improvements
2006112002 City of Angels Camp Angels Camp 2020 General Plan
2006118000 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Communications Building Replaced
2006112006 City of Gilroy Rancho Hills / Deer Park
2006118003 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Metal Beam Guardrail Repair
2006112003 Butte County Headi-Riders of Northern California - Use Permit (UP 05-06) and Tentative Parcel Map (TPM 06-12)
2006111004 Menifee Union School District Menifee Union School District Menifee East Elementary School No. 11
2006071007 City of Victorville Nisqualli Road Street Improvement Project
2006092089 Sausalito Marin City School District Martin Luther King Middle School
2006111010 City of Upland Upland Basin Expansion Project, Phase 2
2002032041 Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) BART Warm Springs Extension
2006032129 Solano County Montezuma Wind Project
2006012149 City of Hollister City of Hollister Domestic Wastewater System Improvements Project and San Benito County Water District Recycled Water Facility Project
2006118011 Tuolumne County Design Review Permit DR06-092
2006111001 University of California San Diego Structural and Materials Engineering Building Project