Wednesday, February 15, 2006

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35 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2006021081 Kern Union High School District Comprehensive High School #2 (2004 Bond)
2006028237 City of Dinuba Application No. 2005-20, Conditional Use Permit, APN 014-046-41
2004121008 Ventura County Piru Area Plan Update
2006021078 City of Los Angeles ENV-2005-8263
2006028240 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace and Relocate Fire Hydrant at Sugar Pine Point State Park
1999082041 City of Modesto P-PDA-05-006/Planned Development Amendment to P-D(371)
1999082041 City of Modesto P-PDA-05-006/Planned Development Amendment to P-D(371)
2006022074 City of Shasta Lake Tentative Subdivision Map SD 05-01; Rezone Z 05-03 (Riddle Road- Woolery)
2000101041 California State University Board of Trustees National Training Center
2005101141 City of Newport Beach Mariner's Mile Gateway Project
2006022075 City of Oakland MacArthur Transit Village Project
2004041080 City of Irvine General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Annexation for Planning Area 1 and 2 and a portion of Planning Area 9 (PA1/PA2/PA9) Project
2006021084 City of Lancaster CUP 05-14 Paraclete High School Expansion
2004112046 City of San Carlos Belmont Creek - Industrial Way Storm Drain Improvement Project
1995083033 Monterey County September Ranch Subdivision
2005101053 City of Ontario The Drilling, Constructing, Equipping, and Testing of Wells No. 48 & 51
2005021116 Imperial County Mesquite Lake Specific Plan
2005112065 Calaveras County 2004-112 Tentative Subdivision Tract Map (Hidden Acres) for Robert L. and Jan A. Edmonson
2006021082 City of San Bernardino Tentative Tract Map No. 17367
2006028238 City of Dinuba Application No. 2006-02, Conditional Use Permit, APN 017-030-40
2006012005 Modoc County Modoc County 2005 Regional Transportation Plan
2006021079 California Army National Guard Demolition and Multiple Construction Projects at the Fresno Aviation Classification Repair Activity Depot in Fresno, California
2003102002 City of Sacramento Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento, Master Plan Projects
2006028241 California Department of Parks and Recreation Grizzly Mountain Defense Zone
2003101106 San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority Water Transfer Program for the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority, 2005-2014
2006021083 City of Victorville Proposed Site Plan SP-06-026, Tentative Tract TT-06-015 (18005) and Conditional Use Permit CUP-06-014
2006028242 California Department of Parks and Recreation Install Sign Posts on Lakeshore and China Cove Trails, Donner Memorial State Park
2002091045 City of Lompoc The Wye Specific Plan
2006018441 California Highway Patrol (CHP) Auburn Municipal Airport, Gary Mourning Hangar
2006028239 California Department of Parks and Recreation Eagle Point Campground Bear Proof Locker Installation
2005112091 City of American Canyon Potable and Reclaimed Water Storage Tanks
2006028236 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Proposed Well, Well 7-01, CWS- Southlake Water System #1510039
2006021077 City of Los Angeles ENV-2005-5855-MND
2006022076 City of Elk Grove West Stockton Boulevard Bridge Replacement Project
2006021080 City of West Hollywood Greenwich Place