Wednesday, August 14, 2002

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26 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2002082049 Stanislaus County Use Permit Application No. 2002-06 - Daniel Bote
1993081125 City of San Diego Mission Valley East Corridor Transit Improvement Project
2002082046 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento Geothermal Inc. Facility Closure
1993121105 City of San Diego Redevelopment Agency Action for the Conveyance, Rehabilitation, and Associated Improvements Relating to the North Park Theater
2002088226 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Vegetation Removal and Repairs at Garvey Reservoir
2002031157 Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) Carpinteria Reservoir Retrofit Project
2002081064 City of Temecula PA99-0186: 2000-2005 City of Temecula Housing
2002088224 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Landscaping at the Palos Verdes Relief Structure
1996032128 Port of Oakland Port of Oakland/Site "B" Development Project
2002052051 City of Burlingame ND-522-P
2001071035 California State Lands Commission Kern River 2003 Expansion Project
2002051067 Riverside County Edom Hill Transfer Station: Revised Environmental Assessment No. 38595
2002082050 City of Watsonville Mine Property Grading - Bay Breeze Off-Haul
1992121051 City of San Diego Alavarado Water Treatment Plant
2002082047 Sutter County Disestablishment of Agricultural Preserve
2002088227 California Department of Parks and Recreation Small Mammal Inventory
2002082051 City of San Rafael St. Vincent's Village Development Proposal and Silveira Property Land Use Evaluation
2002088437 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Reclamation of the Palm Avenue Gravel Pit (Phase I)
2002071065 Wasco Union High School District New Elementary School at Filburn Street and Griffith Avenue
2002061126 Fontana Unified School District A.B. Miller High School Expansion
2002088225 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Grant of a Permanent Easement along the Foothill Feeder to West San Bernardino County Water District
2002082048 Stanislaus County General Plan Amendment 2002-04, Rezone 2002-13 & Tentative Map App. 2002-01-The Oaks at Orange Blossom
2001052089 City of Petaluma City of Petaluma, California Water Recycling Facility and River Access Improvements Final EIR
2002088228 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sign Posts and Horse Gate
2002082045 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Crane Mills Gravel Mining Operation