SCH Number 2001052089

Project Info

Petaluma Water Recycling Facility Project
The city of Petaluma will upgrade its Water Recycling Facility and construct an anaerobic digestion system that produces 150,000 gasoline gallon equivalents of renewable natural gas per year from the waste of local food and beverage production and fuel waste collection vehicles. The new facilities, which located entirely on the existing asphalt in the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility, include an anaerobic digester and associated solid handling facilities, high strength waste facilities, Biogas conveyance pipelines, and a compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station/
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Petaluma City of Petaluma - Biomass to Biofuel (B2B) Project
City of Petaluma Water Recycling Facility and River Access Improvement EIR Biomass-to-Biofuel Addendum
City of Petaluma City of Petaluma, California Water Recycling Facility and River Access Improvements Final EIR
City of Petaluma City of Petaluma, California Water Recycling Facility and River Access Improvements Final EIR
City of Petaluma Petaluma Water Recycling Facility Project
City of Petaluma Petaluma Water Recycling Facility Project