Wednesday, May 23, 2018

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48 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2018058497 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region (CDFW) National Marine Fisheries Service - Southwest Fisheries Science Center Coastal California Fisheries research
2018058503 California Department of Parks and Recreation Goat Canyon Fence Installation (17/18 SD-18)
2018058480 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) State Fire Marshall Office Space Lease
2018058500 Kern County PLN18-00742
2018058477 Kern County PLN18-00731
2008032062 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Authorize Actions Pursuant to a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with the Department of Water Resources
2017082037 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Bryte Landfill Remediation Project
2018058491 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Chiles Rd Ramp Meters
2018011043 City of Whittier Whittier Boulevard/Painter Avenue Intersection Improvement Project
2018058474 California Department of Parks and Recreation Goat Browsing Reforestation Site Preparation (CRSP 189)
2018058494 Kern County PLN18-00615
2018058488 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mobilitie NPC2018-3 Los Angeles FIber Optic project
2018058475 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 5 (CDFW) Annual Temporary Flume (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0267-R5)
2014052038 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency North Sacramento Streams, Sacramento East Levee, Lower American River, and Related...
2018052060 City and County of San Francisco The Hub Plan, 30 Van Ness Avenue Project, 98 Franklin Street Project, and Hub Housing Sustainability District
2018058472 Kern County PLN18-00661
2018058495 Kern County PLN18-00643
2018058515 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Services Division (CDFW) May 2018 Amendment to the Agreement between State of California, Department of Fish and Wildlife and Eastern Municipal Water District for the San Jacinto Wildli
2018058492 California Department of Parks and Recreation Interpretive Signs Installation
2018058483 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Larson Road Emergency Access Project
2017072002 Santa Cruz County Nissan of Santa Cruz Project
2018058489 California Tahoe Conservancy Nelson Tree Removal License
2018058486 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates Pilot Study
2017051047 Merced County Association of Governments Draft Program EIR - Draft 2018 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS)
2016031038 South Coast Water District Doheny Ocean Desalination Project
2018058490 California Tahoe Conservancy License for Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Access to Conservancy Property
2016091072 City of Los Angeles Lopez Canyon Equestrian Trails and Trailhead Project
2018058487 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mobilitie NPC2018-06 San Bernardinos Fiber Optic project
2018058470 Kern County PLN18-00733
2018058498 Kern County PLN18-00744
2018058484 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Trinity Community Protection and Landscape Resilience Project / Kelsey Park Timber Sale and Fuelbreak Project
2018058481 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Trinity Community Protection and Landscape Resilience Project/ 1st 48 Roadside Fuelbreak Collaborative Project
2018058504 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Bridge Preservation
2018058501 Insurance, Department of DOI/CDI Valencia Project #1678 - Renewal / Lease File #4958-001 & #4958-002
2018058478 Placer County Fee Title acquisition of 50 acres of real property for public park and open spaces purposes
2018058505 State Water Resources Control Board Iron Gate Dam Low Level Outlet Slide Gate Test Project
2018058482 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Hamilton Vegetation Fuel Reduction Project
2018022023 California Highway Patrol (CHP) CHP San Bernardino Area Office Replacement Project
2018058502 Kern County PLN18-00737
2018058485 Kern County PLN18-00735
2009112025 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Natomas Basin Project/Natomas Levee Improvement Program Phase 4b Landside Improvements Project
2018058499 Plumas Eureka Community Services District Pluma Eureka Community Services District Water Treatment Facility
2018058476 California Department of Parks and Recreation Repair Boucher Lookout Interpretive Display (Project ID No. PMSP 186)
2018021058 City of Whittier Whittier Boulevard/Colima Road Intersection Improvement Project
2018058473 Kern County PLN18-00683
2018058496 Greenfield County Water District Annexation No. 49
2018058479 Kern County PLN18-00738
2018058493 Kern County PLN18-00741