Wednesday, December 20, 2017

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62 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2017128475 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2017128455 Kern County PLN17-02108
2013081079 Kern County CRC 000-0004
2017128492 Kern County PLN17-01939
2017128472 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2017122054 San Joaquin County PA-1700267 - Communications Tower
2017128483 California Energy Commission Research and Development for Pilot-Scale Algal-Oil Production
2017102014 El Dorado County El Dorado Trail Extension - Missouri Flat Rd to the Town of El Dorado & Missouri Flat Rd Bike/Pedestrian Overcross
2016098381 Lake County Soda Bay Tank #1 Liner Installation & Foundation Repair
2008051003 Department of Toxic Substances Control PG&E Topock Compressor Station Environmental Investigation and Cleanup Project
2017128463 Oakland Unified School District Markham Elementary School Greening Project
2017128469 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2017128486 Kern County PLN17-01902
2017028217 Coachella Valley Water District Eastern Coachella Valley Water Supply Planning Project
2017128466 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Orange County Feeder Erosion Repair
2017128489 Kern County PLN17-01917
2017128467 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2017128490 Kern County PLN17-01918
2017128470 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2017122055 Sacramento Suburban Water District Well 78 - Butano/Cottage Production Well and Pumping Station
2017128464 Oakland Unified School District Emiliano Zapata Street Academy School Greening Project
2017128487 Kern County PLN17-01915
2016032085 Los Molinos Community Services District Arsenic Compliance and Consolidation Project
1990020002 City of Moreno Valley Concurrence with the Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit Moreno Valley solid Waste Recycling and Transfer Facility, Riverside County, SWIS No. 3
2017128461 Oakland Unified School District Ralph J. Bunche High School Greening Project
2017121053 California Department of Transportation, District 8 US Highway 95 Shoulder Widening and Rumble Strips
2015111013 City of San Diego Midway-Pacific Highway Community Plan Update
2017128478 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Chilcoot 2R
2017128484 California Energy Commission Wood-to-Fuel for California's Transportation Sector using Autothermal Pyrolysis
2017128481 Kern County PLN17-02062
2017122052 City of Rohnert Park Copeland Creek Detention Basin
2017121050 City of Buellton The Hub
2017128458 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Clearlake Overlay (01-0H370)
2017128482 Kern County PLN17-02035
2017122053 San Joaquin County PA-1700104 (AE) Agricultural Excavation
2013082088 City of Mountain View North Bayshore Precise Plan
2017128485 California Department of Transportation, District 9 State Route 58 Interchange Signs
2015062092 City of Sutter Creek Main Street Bridge Replacement (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0269-R2)
2017128462 Oakland Unified School District Melrose Leadership Academy School Greening Project
2017128459 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Hormel Dock Access Stairway (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0278-R2)
2017128465 Oakland Unified School District International Community School and Think College Now School Greening Project
2017128476 Kern County PLN17-02013
2011041082 Kern Delta Water District Water Allocation Plan
2017128456 Kern County PLN17-02109
2017128479 Los Angeles County Sanitation District San Jose Creek Water Reclamation Plant Minor Reduction of Effluent Discharge to San Gabriel River in Support of Recycled Water Use
2016111043 City of Los Angeles 520 Mateo
2017128473 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2016042079 Sacramento County Natomas North Precinct Specific Plan
2010022053 City of Martinez Christie Road Mitigation Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0240-R3)
2017128460 City of Fort Bragg The Plateau
2017128454 Kern County PLN17-02076
2017128477 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) Dry Creek Wood Bridge Trestle Replacement and Repair Project (Amendment to Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0253-R4)
2017128457 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Cameron Park Safety Project; EA #03-1H440
2017128480 Kern County PLN17-02061
2017128468 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2017128491 Kern County PLN17-01938
2016071041 City of Los Angeles VTT-74314
2017112006 Southgate Recreation And Park District Wildhawk West Park & Laguna Creek Stormwater Detention Basin
2013091065 City of Camarillo North Pleasant Valley (NPV) Groundwater Treatment Facility (2nd Suppl. - EIR
2017128471 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2017128474 Department of Rehabilitation Lease of existing office space
2017128488 Kern County PLN17-01916