Thursday, August 24, 2017

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81 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2017088578 Kern County PLN17-01337
2017088541 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Bldg 33 Office 290 Remodel Suppl -- JOC 16-042.5625.01
2017088535 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1E (CDFW) NCRA Ukiah Courthouse - Gibson Creek Bridge Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0601-R1)
2017088558 Kern County PLN17-01306
2017088581 Kern County PLN17-01376
2017088538 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) McClellan Business Park Stormwater Maintenance (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0050-R2)
2014032060 Contra Costa County Saranap Village Mixed Use Project
2017088598 Judicial Council of California San Bernardino Courthouse Annex Tenant Improvements
2017088561 Kern County PLN17-01309
2017088555 Kern County PLN17-01331
2017089007 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0253-R2 "DC Haun" THP
2017088549 Kern County PLN17-01317
2017088572 Kern County PLN17-01325
2017088595 California Energy Commission Newcomb Anderson McCormick, Inc.
2017088589 Monterey County Transportation Agency SR 68Scenic Highway Plan
2010061037 Imperial County Imperial Solar Energy West (Amendment NO. 1 California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2015-012-06 (ITP))
2017088552 Kern County PLN17-01327
2017088575 California Department of Parks and Recreation LASHP Viaduct Upgrades (16.17.A.24)
2017088569 Kern County PLN17-01322
2017088592 City of Big Bear Lake Stanfield Marsh Outdoor Recreation and Education Project
2017088593 Kern County PLN17-01279
2017088556 Kern County PLN17-01304
2017089008 San Mateo County Cypress Tree Ranch Bridge Wideninig Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0271-R3)
2017088550 Kern County PLN17-01318
2017088573 Kern County PLN17-01326
2017088596 California Energy Commission Electric Power Research Institute Inc
2017088536 Garden Grove Unified School District Drought Response Outreach Program, Implementation of Low Impact Development
2017088553 Kern County PLN17-01328
2017088576 Kern County PLN17-01336
2017088570 Kern County PLN17-01323
2016012050 Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Monte Bello Open Space Preserve Bridge Projects (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0160-R3)
2017042072 State Water Resources Control Board Santa Rosa Tank Replacement Project
2017088564 Kern County PLN17-01312
2017088587 State Water Resources Control Board Mil Potrero Mutual Water Company New/Replacement Wells 9 and 10
2017082075 Calaveras County Council of Governments 2017 Calaveras County Regional Transportation Plan
2017088544 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Bldg 34 - 252 Addt'l Ceiling Work -- JOC 16-040.5276.01
2017088567 Kern County PLN17-01320
2017088590 Kern County PLN17-01369
2017081050 Irvine Ranch Water District San Diego Creek Water Rights Change Petition Project
2017088584 Kern County PLN17-01344
2017088547 Kern County PLN17-01315
2017088548 Kern County PLN17-01316
2017088571 Kern County PLN17-01324
2017088565 Kern County PLN17-01313
2017088588 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agnew Lake Dam, No. 104-38
2017051024 University of California, Los Angeles UCLA Long Range Development Plan Amendment (2017) and Housing Projects
2017088551 Kern County PLN17-01319
2015031086 Angiola Water District Groundwater Land Retirement/Groundwater Conservation Easement Program
2017088545 City of Big Bear Lake SR-18 Mobility Project
2017088568 Kern County PLN17-01321
2017088591 City of Rancho Cordova Chase Drive Corridor Project Phase IA: Chase/Coloma Plaza
2017089006 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0220-R2 "The Big Marine" THP
2017088579 Kern County PLN17-01368
2017081051 City of San Diego 4th Corner Apartments
2017088542 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Patio Re-Grade -- JOC 16-040.5476.00
2016012025 City of Santa Rosa Airway Community Care (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0181-R3)
2017088559 Kern County PLN17-01307
2017088582 Kern County PLN17-01377
2017088539 Lake County 2016 HSIP Signs & Striping; PLN17-00002
2017088562 Kern County PLN17-01310
2017088585 Kern County PLN17-01342
2017088563 Kern County PLN17-01311
2017088586 Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District Sacramento Regional 2008 MAAQS 8-Hour Ozone Attainment and Reasonable Further Progress Plan
2017082074 Santa Cruz County Deadman Gulch Restoration Project
2017088543 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Generator Replacement, underground, flatwork, fencing, and demolition Work -- JOC 16-040.5246.00
2017088566 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Construct multiple rockwall fences - 0P010 / 0417000388
2010042093 City of Fairfield Canon Station Industrial Area [California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit no. 2081-2016-065-03 (ITP)]
2017081049 South Coast Water District Infrastructure Master Plan Update & Capital Improvement Projects
2009072025 City of Vallejo Mare Island Dry Dock Maintenance Dredging (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0306-R3)
2017088560 Kern County PLN17-01308
2017088583 Kern County PLN17-01343
2017088546 Kern County PLN17-01314
2017088540 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Bldg 45 Renovate HVAC for Scene Shop Supplemental - JOC 16-037.011.01
2017088594 California Department of Parks and Recreation Install Boating Information Kiosks
2017088557 Kern County PLN17-01305
2017088580 Kern County PLN17-01354
2017088574 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Medication Distribution Improvements
2017088597 State Water Resources Control Board PG&E R-826 L-300b MP 500.46 Exposed Pipe Penitencia Channel Project
2017088537 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Yuba 20 Pavement Preservation Project (EA:03-1G010)
2017088554 Kern County PLN17-01330
2017088577 Kern County PLN17-01335