Thursday, August 3, 2017
- Received Date
- 2017-08-03
- Edit Search
47 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2017088060 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Deer Creek South Vina Fish Screen Protection Project | |
2017081007 | MND | City of Del Mar | 21st Street Ditch Project | |
2017088077 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Change in Point of Delivery of up to 60,000 acre-feet of Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District's (TBWSD) | |
2017088057 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | West Branch Road 0.06 km Bridge Replacement | |
2017032039 | EIR | San Mateo-Foster City School District | Elementary School at Charter Square | |
2017088080 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Kern 46 Overlay | |
2017088068 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01151 | |
2017088054 | NOE | El Dorado County | Carson Road Culvert Repair Project | |
2017088071 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01192 | |
2017088048 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01065 | |
2017088074 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01180 | |
2017088051 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Harding Property Vegetation Maintenance (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0233-R1) | |
2017088075 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01160 | |
2017088052 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Redding | Toadtown Rapid Pipe Emergency Repair Project, WDID #5A04CR00270 | |
2013012003 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Phase 1 of the I-80/SR65 Interchange Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0291-R2) | |
2017088055 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) | CRP Hunter Education Facility | |
2017088078 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | Solar Photovoltaic Panel Installation - Camp San Luis Obispo | |
2017088072 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-00916 | |
2017052034 | NOD | Trinity County Resource Conservation District | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0146-R1, West Weaver Creek Salmonid Habitat Restoration Project | |
2016032019 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Phase 1 of the I-80/SR65 Interchange Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0291-R2) | |
2017088046 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01164 | |
2017088069 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01182 | |
2017082009 | MND | City of Woodside | 2150 Greenway Drive Land Division and Rezoning | |
2017088063 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01170 | |
2017088049 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01080 | |
2017088066 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Erler Pier Repair Project | |
2017088067 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01152 | |
2017079016 | NOD | Santa Clara County | Motorcycle County Park Site Improvements | |
2017088070 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01181 | |
2017088047 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01165 | |
2017082010 | MND | Diablo Water District | Spinnaker Cover Waterline Extension Project | |
2017088073 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01191 | |
2017088050 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | Sacramento Marina Annual Maintenance Dredging 2017-2022 Project | |
2017088061 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01161 | |
2017081008 | MND | Inyo County | TPM #413, ZR 2017-01 Sorrells Parcel Map, Zone reclassification and general plan amendment | |
2017088064 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01176 | |
2017088058 | NOE | California State University, Chico | Parking Improvements - Gravel Parking Areas (cont.) | |
2017081006 | MND | San Bernardino Flood Control District | Cucamonga Creek Basin 6, 7 and 8 Maintenance and Operation | |
2017088062 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01162 | |
2017082011 | MND | Calaveras County | San Andreas SR 49 Commercial Gateway & Corridor Study | |
2017088065 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Repair Storm Damanged Bridge Railings on Both Sides of Bridge - 0P220 / 0417000411 | |
2017088076 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01119 | |
2017088053 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | Tree Pruning and Removal | |
2017088056 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Replace Fences with Hybrid Fences - 4K100 / 0417000259 | |
2017082002 | MND | Butte County | Magalia Forest Health Project | |
2017088079 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Oakhurst Overlay | |
2017088059 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Service Connection WB-2A & WE-2B Cabinet Relocation for the Inglewood Avenue Widening Project |