Thursday, September 13, 2012
- Received Date
- 2012-09-13
- Edit Search
57 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2012098178 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Emergency Highway Repair | |
2010081053 | NOD | City of Carlsbad | Agua Hendionda Sewer Lift Station & Gravity & Force Mains, and Gravity Sewer Replacement | |
2012042049 | NOD | California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources | Daniel No. 2 | |
2005052146 | SIR | City of Dublin | Moller Ranch Development Project/Moller Creek Culvert Replacement | |
2012052058 | NOD | City of Fremont | Mission Creek Planned District | |
2012091033 | NEG | Fresno County | CUP 3357: Allow a Swine Yard on a 19.61-acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District | |
2012091032 | MND | Fresno County | CUP 3308: Allow a Photovoltaic Solar Power Generation Facility with Related Improvements | |
2012098149 | NOE | California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) | HCD Headquarter Relocation (New or Additional Space) Project | |
2012091028 | NEG | Kern County | Unification of Wasco Union High School District & Wasco Union Elementary School District | |
2012091026 | NOP | City of Long Beach | Safran Senior Housing Project | |
2012091030 | NOP | Los Angeles Community College District | Van de Kamp Innovation Center | |
2012091034 | SIR | Los Angeles County | Proposed Operational Changes to the Virginia Robinson Gardens | |
2006041050 | NOD | City of Los Angeles | Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan (EIR/EIS) | |
2007071036 | FIN | City of Los Angeles | NBC Universal Evolution Plan | |
2012098157 | NOE | Natural Resources Agency | Elmer Avenue Phase II Retrofit and Paseo | |
2012082058 | NOD | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Pescadero State Beach Lagoon Ecological Function Project | |
1999062020 | NOD | Placer County | Placer Vineyards Specific Plan (PVSP) | |
2012098146 | NOE | Placer County | Placer Vineyards Specific Plan, First Amendment to Amended and Restated Development Agreements | |
2012098150 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Sativa Los Angeles County Water District | |
2012098156 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | Ridge Road Rehabilitation Project | |
2012098155 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | SOL 80 Alamo Creek Bridge Replacement Project | |
2012091027 | MND | Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation | Pyrite Channel Bypass, Stage 1 | |
2012041002 | NOD | San Diego County | Draft Remedial Action Plan for Former Clay Skeet and Trap Shooting Range, Chula Vista, CA | |
2012092027 | MND | Santa Clara County | Mousavi Grading Abatement | |
2000021068 | NOD | City of Santa Maria | Surface Mining and Reclamation of the Santa Maria River | |
2012098132 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Swanson Canyon Hazardous Fuels Reduction Riparian Enhancement CE/EA Project (SNC 461) | |
2012098134 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Forest Health Chipper Program Project (SNC 480) | |
2012098138 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Hirschman's Pond Healthy Forest Initiative Project (SNC 536) | |
2012098135 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Gillis Hill Fuel Break Project (SNC 513) | |
2012098141 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Loney Meadow Aspen Regeneration Project: Phase 2 Project (SNC 588) | |
2012098145 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Mountain Home Fuel Load Reduction Project (SNC 644) | |
2012098133 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Childs Meadows Head Cut Repair Design and Environmental Analysis Project (SNC 462) | |
2012098144 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | ACCG Collaborative Project: West Calaceras Plantation Thinning NEPA Project (SNC 630) | |
2012098131 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Willow Creek Springs Hazardous Fuel Reduction (SNC 454) | |
2012098137 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Lower Deer Creek Revegetation Project (SNC 533) | |
2012098142 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Planning High-Priority Invasive Plant Management In Mixed Conifer Forests in the Sierra Nevada Project (SNC 613) | |
2012098143 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Van Vleck Meadow Complex Assessment and Restoration Plan Project (SNC 622) | |
2012098140 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Burney Gardens Restoration Planning Project (SNC 553) | |
2012098136 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Control Velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus) in the Kern Canyon of Sequoia National Park and Sequoia National Forest Project (SNC 521) | |
2012098139 | NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | White Sulphur Springs Ranch Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project Plan | |
2002112033 | FIN | Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit Commission | Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit Todd Road Operations and Maintenance Facility | |
2012091029 | NEG | Tulare County | Special Use Permit No. PSP 09-083 - Wiebe Farms (dba Bari Olive Oil Company) | |
2012092026 | NEG | Tuolumne County | T-Five Ranches Conditional Use Permit CUP12-006 | |
2009102047 | NOD | Tuolumne County | Road Improvements (TC08-019) | |
2012091031 | NEG | Ventura County | Minor Modification No. LU12-0002 (Modification to CUP No. 3234) | |
2007061031 | NOP | City of Vernon | Focused General Plan and Zoning Ordinance Update | |
2012098148 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Dos Pueblos Dam, No. 754 | |
2012098147 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Common Landowner Transfer of up to 35,000 acre-feet of Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency's 2012 State Water Project Table A water to Kern County Water Agen | |
2006021094 | NOD | West Valley Water District | Expansion of the Oliver P. Roemer Filtration Center | |
2012032053 | NOD | City of Yreka | Fall Creek Water Permit | |
2012098151 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Rotary Screw Trap Anchor Installation on the Lower American River | |
2012098153 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Timber Lake, No. 1600-2012-0132-R2 | |
2012098158 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | CA Valley Solar Ranch (SunPower Corporation/High Plains Ranch IV) | |
2012098152 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Cache Creek Gas Line 400/401 Maintenance Project. SAA 1600-2012-0111-R2 | |
2012098154 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Redwood View Trust Project | |
2012089021 | NOD | Fish & Game #4 | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 2012-0113-R4, issued in conjunction with 2011 Clavey River Timber harvest Plan (THP) No. 4-11-015/TUO-3 | |
2012098169 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | WPD Lower Ventura River Giant Reed Removal Project |