SCH Number 2000021068

Project Info

Santa Maria River Surface Mining
The Permittee proposes to remove sand and gravel from the main scour areas which contain little to no vegetation. The mining will be no more than four feet deep or come within four feet of the water table. All mining activities will occur when the river is dry. Mining activities shall be located no closer than 50 feet from the edge of the low flow channel if the channel is wet or damp. Material will be skimmed from alternative areas within the project site to minimize impacts within any given year. Mining will occur between May 1st and October 1st or maybe extended to December 1st if no rain is predicted in the forecast. Seasonal access roads require dirt ramps to be constructed over the levee; these ramps shall be removed when mining is completed each year, except where specific in condition 2. 16. The project area is less than three miles in length. The project area is from approximately 2,000 feet upstream of the Suey Crossing at Bull Canyon Road extending to approximately three miles upstream to the confluence of the Cuyama River and the Sisquoc River. The material is needed to cover the land fill to prevent trash from blowing into the river channel and for health and safety compliance.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Maria Surface Mining and Reclamation of the Santa Maria River
City of Santa Maria Santa Maria River Surface Mining
City of Santa Maria Surface Mining and Reclamation of the Santa Maria River
City of Santa Maria Surface Mining and Reclamation of the Santa Maria River
City of Santa Maria Surface Mining and Reclamation of the Santa Maria River
City of Santa Maria Surface Mining and Reclamation of the Santa Maria River
City of Santa Maria Surface Mining and Reclamation of the Santa Maria River