Friday, May 8, 2009

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59 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2009031107 Inyo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) Consolidation No. 2009-01/Indian Creek and Westbridge Community Services Districts
2009048465 City of Los Angeles Temporary Urgency Flow Changes - Mono Basin
2005111056 West Valley Water District West Valley Water District's Lytle Creek Turnout Project
2004072103 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Wilfred Avenue Interchange Project between Rohnert Park Expressway Overcrossing and the Santa Rosa Avenue Overcrossing
2009048479 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Upper Feeder Patrol Road and Right-Of-Way Grading for Runoff Control
2009048462 University of California, Planning, Design & Construction space lease, 10861 Weyburn Avenue, Third Level, Los Angeles California 90024
2009052034 Siskiyou County Shastina Stone and Aggregates Quarry
2009051035 City of San Bernardino Tract No. 16794/Variance 09-01
2008052065 City of Santa Clara Augustine-Bowers Office Park Project
2009051038 San Luis Obispo County Plummer / Velten Grading Permit
2009048473 California Energy Commission West Coast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, Phase II
2009052031 Manteca Unified School District French Camp School Parking Lot
2007012056 City of Truckee Gregory Creek Subdivision
2009051032 San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for Montgomery Field
2009048476 California Department of Parks and Recreation Campfire Center and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Trail - Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA)
2009048474 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Pre-Fire Season Dozer Training
2009051036 City of Newport Beach Sunset Ridge Park
2006121093 City of Chino Edgewater Lake Communities
2009052032 Bret Harte Union High School District (BHUHSD) Bret Harte High School Sports Complex/Baseball Field Improvements & Aquatic Center
2009041006 Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2000-0179-R4)
2009048480 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Desert Grounding Remediation at Iron Mountain, Eagle Mountain, and Julian Hinds Pumping Plant
2009051039 City of Santa Clarita Unified Development Code and Municipal Code Amendments to address Rooming Houses
2007031155 Eastern Municipal Water District Moreno Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facilities (MVRWRF) Secondary Clarifiers and Tertiary Treatment Project (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CW
2009051033 San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for Gillespie Field
2009059005 City of Holtville City of Holtville Downtown Code
2009048477 California Department of Transportation, District 3 I-5 Landscaping Project
2009052026 City of Turlock City of Turlock Regional Water Quality Control Facility Upgrade & Expansion
2009051030 San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for McClellan-Palomar Airport
2009048471 California Department of Parks and Recreation Accessibility Modifications
2009052029 California State University Board of Trustees San Francisco State University Photovoltaic Project
2009048468 Fish & Game #3 JCC Jenner Creek Bridge Replacement
2009054004 United States Department of Homeland Security, Coast Guard (USCG) Reconfiguration of Taney Pier Marina at Integrated Support Command Alameda
2004112023 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Route 116 Stage Gulch Road Curve Improvement and Realignment Project
2007122092 City of Truckee Truckee Railyard Draft Master Plan Project
2009048475 California Department of Parks and Recreation Middle Camp Fence
2009052033 Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) Copper Cove Pond No. 6 Enlargement
2009048472 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restroom Replacement and Picinic Area Modification Project
2008051016 City of San Diego Totah Residence
2009052030 City of Lathrop LBA Realty-Harlan Road North
2009051031 San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for Oceanside Municipal Airport
2009048469 Fish & Game #3 Levee Maintenance Project, 2009 Waterside Slope Repairs
2009052027 Contra Costa County Mental Health Recovery Services (CP09-39)
2009051034 San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for Brown Field Municipal Airport
2009054002 United States Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Fielding and Operation of a High Energy Mobile X-Ray Inspection System at the Calexico Port of Entry, Imperial County, CA
2009048466 City of Galt Galt Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Improvements along Various Arterial Streets
2009051045 City of Reedley Frankwood Avenue Improvement Project
2009048463 City of Shafter Reconstructing and Resurfacing of Lerdo Highway between Carver Street and approximately 850 feet east of Driver Road - Federal Project ID# ESPL 5281-012
2009031091 Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) New Hollister Courthouse
2009048467 City of Benicia Recovery Act - Downtown Benecia Marine Debris Removal Project
2009054003 United States Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Fielding and Operation of a High Energry Mobile X-Ray Inspection System at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, San Deigo County, CA
2009052025 East Bay Municipal Utility District Food Waste Facility Phase 2 Project
2003061064 San Bernardino County Permitting and Operation of WEll 5 and Chlorination System
2009048470 California Department of Parks and Recreation Accessibility Improvements
2009048464 Pajaro Sunny Mesa Community Service District Langley Canyon/Valle Pacifico Water Line
2009052028 San Mateo County Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve Removal of 22 Eucalyptus Trees
2009051037 United States National Park Service (NPS) Westside Park Replacement Project
2009048478 Tehama County Wetter Hall Remodel Projct
2009051040 City of Torrance PMB Daily Breeze
2009032022 Sequoia Union High School District Sequoia Union High School District's Adult School Annex on Green Street in East Palo Alto