Wednesday, October 11, 2006

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72 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2006101078 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Condor Oil and Gas Exploration Well
2006108108 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-06-0281 Martin Slough, tributary to Swain Slough (Elk River)
2006062120 Solano County Fairfield Public Health Laboratory and Clinic
2006102054 Fish & Game #2 Lower Sherman Island Land Management Plan
2006108131 Fish & Game #5 Aliso Creek Inn Arundo donax Removal Project
2006101072 City of Twentynine Palms PC 05-92
2006108111 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreemet No. R1-06-0353, Mad River
2006108128 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 33-781-04 (Kuelper)
2006102051 City of Chico Use Permit 05-91 (Neighborhood Church)
2006091059 City of Livingston Court Theater Redevelopment/Renovation
2006052041 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-06-0338 Maple Creek/Big Lagoon Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
2006108125 California Tahoe Conservancy Acquisition of Two Environmentally Sensitive Parcels Necessary to Protect the Natural Environment
2006108102 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Oak Tree Planting in Park Fringe Areas & Arterial Medians Green Trees for the Golden State Tree Planting Grant Project
2005011027 City of El Centro Lerno VerHaegen Las Aldeas Specific Plan
2006108119 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Maintenance Dredging at Levin Richmond Terminal Berth A and Pacific Atlantic Terminal
2006101066 City of Santa Monica 1803-1807 16th Street Condominium Project
2006108105 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-06-0516, Unnamed tributary to Oak Run Creek
2006101069 Orange County Department of Education Political Boundary Change/School Districts
2006108122 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland US Army Reserve Center Pile Maintenance Project (File No. 2128.03, Site No. 02-48-C0368)
2006108123 City of Dinuba Application No. 2006-29, Tentative Parcel Map, APN 017-030-017
2006101070 City of Moreno Valley PA05-0189 (Tentative Tract Map No. 31394), PA06-0099 (Change of Zone) and PA06-0110 (General Plan Amendment)
2006108126 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 25-231-21 (Hererra)
2006108103 Sacramento County T-Mobile SC15222
2006102049 City of San Ramon Dougherty Road Alignment Study IS/MND
2006081073 Port of Long Beach Port of Long Beach Southeast Basin Vessel Emission Control Project
2006101067 City of Victorville Site Plan SP-06-013
2006101073 City of Twentynine Palms Tentative Tract Map 17648 PC06-83
2006108106 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Strembed Alteration Agreement No. R1-06-0253, Shingletown Subdivision
2006102052 City of St. Helena Magnolia Oaks
2005012050 City and County of San Francisco 2003.0869E: The Old U.S. Mint
2006109033 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. R1-06-0386 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-06-108HUM
2005031151 City of Goleta Draft Goleta General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan
2005112038 City of Sacramento 500 Capitol Mall
2003032020 Alameda County Tentative Map, Tract Map, TR-7305; Delco Builders and Developers
2005122005 City of Anderson SAA No. R1-06-0440
2006108120 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Deck Replacement Project at 3812 Crowley Lake Circle
2006109030 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. 06-0256 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-06-078 HUM
2006051034 City of Lake Elsinore Reclamation Plan No. 2006-01, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 2006-06
2006108101 City of Richmond Reconstruction of Harbour Way South
2006101065 City of McFarland McFarland Redevelopment Project
2005121090 City of Blythe City of Blythe General Plan 2025 Program EIR
2006108121 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Southern California Gas Company, Line 235/335 Bank Stabilization Project
2006101068 City of Irvine Kilroy
2006091006 Alisal Union School District (AUSD) Monte Bella Elementary School
2006108115 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo #105 & 106 Dorm Bldgs. - Install Privacy Film -- JOC 05-012.005.00
2006108109 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-06-0280 Unnamed Drainages, tributaries to Elk River
2006108132 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wedding Rock Trail
2006109028 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. 06-0306 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-06-096HUM
2006108112 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo #020 Engineering East Bldg. - Remodel Office -- JOC 05-012.002.00
2006081162 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Nahabedian Yowlumne Section 26&28
2006109031 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. 06-0172 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-06-037 HUM
2006108129 California Department of Parks and Recreation Look and Luke Prairie Restoration
2006109032 City of Palm Springs Case No. 5.1091, Planned Development District 324, and Case No. 3.2933, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 34190
2006108116 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo #001 Replace Seal at Administration Building -- JOC 05-012.007.00
2003082129 El Dorado County Angora Creek SEZ Restoration Project (JN 95147)
2006108133 Calaveras County Conestoga Road Culvert Replacement
2006109029 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. 06-0284 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-06-084HUM
2006108113 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Rose Float Lab Bldg. -- Install Interior Walls -- JOC 05-012.003.00
2006021003 Castaic Lake Water Agency Castaic Lake Water Agency's Water Acquisition from the Buena Vista Water Storage District and Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Water Banking and Recove
2006012092 City of Oakland Oakland Army Base (OARB) Auto Mall
2001112092 City of Larkspur Central Larkspur Specific Plan
2006108130 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Steelhead Release Site Safety Compliance
2006108124 California Tahoe Conservancy Tahoe City Snowmobile License Agreement
2006092003 City of Eureka NCVRC Veterans Transitional Facility
2006108110 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-06-0499, Baxter Creek tributary to Honey Lake
2006101071 City of Hemet Specific Plan No. 05-03 (SP05-03) - Sanderson Square
2006108127 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to Placer County APN 85-083-18 (Knott)
2006108104 Sacramento County Balbach Residential Accessory Dwelling Use Permit
2006102050 California State University Board of Trustees San Francisco State University Campus Master Plan
2006108107 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-06-0503, Unnamed tributary to Sacramento River
2006062119 Solano County South Solano County Government Center Expansion
2006102053 City of Oakland Courthouse Condominiums