Friday, January 21, 2005

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48 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2005011099 University of California San Diego Music Building Project
2004062136 City of Stockton Gleason Park Neighborhood Master Plan
2005011102 Fresno County Kochergen Transfer Station - Initial Study
2005011096 City of Santa Fe Springs Santa Fe Springs Townlots Projects
2005012086 Placer County West Lincoln 101, Wireless Communication Facility (PMPB 2004 0163)
2005012089 City of Sacramento Executive Airport Ditch Lining Project (WM46)
2005012090 Monterey Peninsula Community College District Monterey Peninsula Community College Athletic Facilities Upgrade
2000042100 City of Sacramento California Concrete Crushing, P99- 109
2000101041 California State University Board of Trustees Home Depot Center Track and Field Lighting
2005014008 United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Central Valley Project Long-Term Water Source Contract Renewals - Amercian River Division
2005011094 Orange County South Court Facility
2005011097 City of Buellton Buellton General Plan Land Use Element and Circulation Element Updates
2005019037 Riverside County EA 39346 CZ6909/TR31803
2005018221 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Lake Yosemite Dam; No. 58-3
2005019034 Riverside County EIR 464 CZ6935 / TR32185
2005012087 Placer County Skyland Erosion Control Project (PEAQ 2004 086)
2005018224 Avila Beach Community Services District Water Tank Rehabilitation
2002102092 University of California Multi-Use Stadium
2003122027 Shasta County Roseburg Resources Rezone from TPZ in Montgomery Creek Area
2004121077 Riverside Unified School District Helen Keller Elementary School
2005012091 City of Elk Grove Beltway Center Phase II
2004121147 Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) Dakota / Armstrong Elementary School Site Acquisition and Development Project
2005019035 Riverside County EA38790 CZ6899 / TR30881
2005012085 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Nash Creek Vineyards
2004072033 Novato Sanitary District Novato Sanitary District Wastewater Facility Plan Project
2004022106 Tuolumne County Yosemite Rush Creek Resort LLC Timberland Conversion
2005012088 Santa Clara County Halsted Subdivision
2005018225 California Department of Parks and Recreation Cottonwood Creek Slope Revegetation Project (04/05-SD-15)
2005019038 Riverside County EA 38133 & Addendum No. 1 to EIR 248 Specific Plan No. 224, Substantial Conformance No. 1 and Tentative Tract Map No. 2922
2003081023 University of California Supercomputer Center Expansion
2003121017 University of California, Irvine San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve Phase II Restoration Plan
2000111011 Los Angeles County Mount Baldy RV Park, Conditional Use Permit 97-176
2005011100 San Diego County Los Coches Creek Sewer Replacement Project
2005018222 Poway Unified School District Rancho Bernardo High School Music Building
2005019032 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Mendocino Redwoods LLC Rezone from TPZ to Open Space
2001021065 University of California Joseph Edward Gallo Recreation and Wellness Center
2005011103 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) New Well #8
2005019036 Riverside County EA39252 SO158A5, TR31582, CZ6872
2005018220 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Sunset North Basin Dam, No. 10-23
2005019033 Riverside County E.A. 39520 (CFG02999) Change of Zone No. 6957; Tentative Parcel Map No. 32212
2005011101 Los Angeles County Joint Dominguez Gap and DeForest Treatment Wetlands Project
2005018223 American River Flood Control District Routine Maintenance of District Facilities
2004121076 Riverside Unified School District Mark Twain Elementary School
2005011098 City of Mammoth Lakes Recreational Trail Bridge Crossings at Mammoth Creek
2004112056 Placer County Sacramento Prestige Gunite (PMUP 2004 0016)
2004124004 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Omo Ranch Extension Fire Safe Project
2005011095 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Malibu 23-1