SCH Number 2014092053
Project Info
- Title
- EA 2014-0003 (Slate Creek Bridge Replacement Project)
- Description
- CDFW has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2014-0285-R2, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Yuba County Department of Public Works. The project is limited to the construction of a replacement bridge on Scales Road crossing Slate Creek. The existing bridge will remain in place. The new bridge will be constructed approximately 40-feet southeast of the existing bridge edge. The span of the new bridge will be approximately 148-feet long and 22-feet wide. The approach roadway will be improved and widened up to 400-feet on both sides of the bridge. The realigned roadway will accommodate two 9-foot wide travel lanes and two 2-foot wide shoulders. The construction design will require flared retaining walls and wider than needed bridge widths up to 40-feet wide at both ends of the bridge. A temporary concrete batch plant will be located upstream of the bridge outside of the riparian area. The project will include permanent impacts to 30-linear feet of Mixed Conifer Hardwood Forest Riparian.
2 documents in project