SCH Number 2013121035
Project Info
- Title
- South Shore II Tentative Tract Map No. 36567
- Description
- Tentative Tract Map No. 36567 (referred to as South Shore II) proposes the subdivision of 67.69 acres (APN 363-020-002, 003, 011 through 015, and 018) into 147 single-family residential lots, two open space lots, three open space lots for a park and one open space/water quality basin lot. The overall average single-family lot size is 7,566 s.f. with lots ranging from 6,000 s.f. to 16,163 s.f. The proposed 3.63-acre park site consists of 1.63 acres of on-site property and 1.9 acres of an adjacent City-owned parcel (APN 363-020-011).
2 documents in project