SCH Number 2013042029

Project Info

Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancement Project
Project includes construction of an effluent pump station, modifications to the irrigation, tail water, aeration system and chemical systems, and minor modifications to the controls to support the new pump station. The project will develop a new effluent land disposal system for treated wastewater to allow the cessation of all effluent currently discharged to surface waters. Effluent will be stored and applied as irrigation to agricultural lands associated with growing fodder crops for off-site livestock animals. The Project includes purchase of 160 acres of prime farmland land, of which 50 acres will be converted to effluent water storage basins, and the remaining land will be used for land dispersal of reclaimed water. A pipeline will be constructed beneath Hamilton Slough to convey effluent from the wastewater treatment plant to the water storage basins.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Biggs Wastewater Treatment Plan Ugprades Phase 2 Project (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-7884-110
City of Biggs Wastewater Change Petition WW0073
City of Biggs Biggs WWTP Enhancement Project
City of Biggs Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancement Project
City of Biggs Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancement Project
City of Biggs Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancement Project