SCH Number 2010061072

Project Info

First and Second Addendum to Previously Approved Mitigated Negative Declaration for TPM 17132 and 17133
The new permit was for the expansion of the existing Materials Recovery Facility, increasing tonnage, types of materials received, expanding their operations to an additional building and seeking 24 hours per day/7 days per week operation.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Bernardino Concurrence in the Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit for East Valley Recycling and Transfer, 36-AA-0453, City of San Bernardino
City of San Bernardino A New Full Solid Waste Facilities Permit for Inland Empire Environmental (SWIS No. 36-AA-0453)
City of San Bernardino Conditional Use Permit No. 10-04 - Expansion of Existing Materials Recovery Facility at 1150 South Tippecanoe Avenue into Adjacent 42,500 sf building
City of San Bernardino First and Second Addendum to Previously Approved Mitigated Negative Declaration for TPM 17132 and 17133