SCH Number 2009082068

Project Info

James and Katherin Burney Klamath Ranch Quarry Use Permit and Reclamation Plan (UP09-07-RP-09-02)
Use Permit and Reclamation Plan approval for an open-pit quarry located on a 168 acre parcel. 360,000 cy of volcanic rock (primarily basalt) are planned to be harvested over a 20 yr mine life. Annual production is estimated at 20,000-10,000 cy, as demand requires. Quarry activities would be concentrated within 9 acres located on the northwestern slope of a hilltop 2,595 ft above sea level, ~300 ft above roadway grade, and ~1,400 ft north of Copco Road. At the conclusion of mining activities, the proposed quarry/processing area would be reclaimed. Reclamation would include site contouring, re-vegetation and preparation of the site as open space at the conlcusion of quarrying activities. The viable topsoil present at the proposed mine site would be removed and stored separately prior to the onset of quarry activities. Upon completion of the quarry area, surfaces would be ripped or disced to a minimum 12 inch depth or harvested unmarketable overburden would be evenly spread on the disturbed quarry floor to establish a suitable root zone. Revegetation would begin during the fall and winter season immediately following the application of topsoil to the quarry floor. The more appropriate seed type, rate of application, and use of soil amendments would be determined by the test plots conducted during quarry operations.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Siskiyou County James and Katherin Burney Use Permit and Reclamation Plan (UP-09-07/RP-09-02)
Siskiyou County James and Katherin Burney Klamath Ranch Quarry Use Permit and Reclamation Plan (UP09-07-RP-09-02)