SCH Number 2009049009

Project Info

Orange Grove Project
The DFG is issuing Streambed Alteration Agreement #1600-2008-0286-R5 to the project applicant, Orange Grove Energy, LP. The applicant proposes to alter the streambed of the San Luis Rey River and 6 unnamed tributaries to the San Luis Rey River, to accommodate construction of the Orange Grove Power Plant Project, a 96 MW electric generating plant designed to serve loads during peak demands. Project activity includes construction of an ~0.3 mile underground electric transmission line that will connect the site to the existing Pala substation, and an ~2.4 mile long, 10 inch natural gas transmission line. The pipeline and underground transmission line (linear facilities) will be installed utilizing "open trench" cut and backfill construction except for 7 streambed locations where horizontal boring will be used to drill underneath the streambeds. The project will utilize either the Horizontal Directiuonal Drilling (HDD) Method of the Jack-and-Bore Method at each of the 7 streambed crossings depending upon specific conditions encountered during construction.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Energy Commission Orange Grove Power Plant Project, Grading Plan L-15454m Habitat Loss Permit HLP 08-003
California Energy Commission Orange Grove Project
California Energy Commission Orange Grove Project