SCH Number 2006031030

Project Info

Vineyards at Anderson
The proposed Vineyards at Anderson project include the following: Adoption of the Vineyards at Anderson Specific Plan which is designed to guide the development of 2,442.2 acres of land, of which approximately 1,917 acres are currently located outside of the City limits and approximately 525 acres are located inside City limits; rezoning of approximately 525 acres located within the City limits from Low Density Residential/Hillside Slope (331 acres) and Planned Development (194 acres) to Vineyards Planned Development (VPD); a request by the City of Anderson for the Shasta County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to amend the City's sphere of influence consistent with the City's General Plan and the proposed Specific Plan; a request by the City of Anderson to detach the territory pre-zoned to VPD from various special districts with subsequent annexation to the City and the Anderson Fire Protection District, as well as various other LAFCO actions related to the project; pre-zoning of the Specific Plan area outside of the City limits to a designation of Vineyards Planned Development (VPD).
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Anderson The Vineyards at Anderson
City of Anderson Vineyards at Anderson
City of Anderson Vineyards at Anderson
City of Anderson The Vineyards at Anderson