SCH Number 2003081133

Project Info

Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project
SWRCB is a responsible agency for this project. SWRCB Safe Drinking Water State revolving Fund Program is providing funds for the project. The LADWP proposes to construct on a 43-acre site adjacent to the Los Angeles River two buried potable water storage reservoirs (54 - million gallon storage reservoir approved previously for Headworks East, and 56-million gallon storage reservoir Headworks West) and conveyance facility that include two reservoir access appurtenant structures, connecting inlet and outlet river supply conduit, four buried vaults with valves, removal of Ivanhoe reservoir service and routing of a new conveyance pipeline to reservoir, excavate, and backfill approx. 360,000 cubic yards of soil, a total of approximately 98,686 cubic yards of concrete is required and 6 sampling hatches.
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County Headworks West Reservoir Project
Los Angeles County Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project
Los Angeles County Silver Lake Reservoir Bypass Tunnel and Regulator Station Project
Los Angeles County Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project
Los Angeles County Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project
Los Angeles County Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project
Los Angeles County Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project
Los Angeles County Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project