SCH Number 2003071157

Project Info

Harper Canyon / Encina Hills Subdivision RDEIR
1) A Vesting Tentative Map for the subdivision of 344 acres into 17 residential lots ranging in size from 5.13 acres to 23.42 acres on 164 acres with one 180-acre remainder parcel; 2) Use Permit for the removal of approximately 79 coast live oak trees over six inches in diameter for road and driveway constructions; 3) Use Permit for development on slopes in excess of 30 percent; 4) a Use Permit for the creation of a public water system with a stand-alone treatment facility (Option B); and 5) grading for net cut and fill approximately 2,000 cubic yards.
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Monterey County Haper Canyon (Encina Hills) Subdivison
Monterey County Harper Canyon / Encina Hills Subdivision RDEIR
Monterey County Harper Canyon / Encina Hills Subdivision RDEIR
Monterey County Harper Canyon / Encina Hills Subdivision RDEIR
Monterey County Harper Canyon / Encina Hills Subdivision RDEIR
Monterey County Harper Canyon / Encina Hills Subdivision RDEIR
Monterey County Haper Canyon/Encina Hills Subdivison
Monterey County Haper Canyon/Encina Hills Subdivison