SCH Number 2001122044

Project Info

Walker Reclamation Plan and Use Permit
Use Permit and Reclamation Plan to allow the development of a quarry. The primary commodity to be produced is hard rock rip-rap, and a small amount of rock and road base. The total parcel size is 80 acres. Approximately 5 acres will be disturbed for mining. The applicant is requesting a starting date of January 2002 and an ending date of August 2011. The total volume to be extracted from the site is 62,000 cubic yards (cy). 30,000 cy is expected to be drained during the first two years, and an additional 400 cy is expected to be extracted every year thereafter during mining operations. The anticipated depth of exploration is 5 feet to 30 feet below existing topography depending on location. Extraction depth is not expected to exceed the current soil surface. Proposed land use after the reclamation is home sites. Reclamation will cover approximately 5 acres. Haul roads from the mining operation are to remain after the close of operations to provide access to the home sites from Alder Point Bluffs Road.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Trinity County Walker Mitigated Negative Declaration, Reclamation Plan and Use Permit
Trinity County Walker Reclamation Plan and Use Permit