SCH Number 2001112055

Project Info

City of Rio Dell's Application to Appropriate Water by Permit and Petition
The City of Rio Dell holds Water Rights License No. 10464 to appropriate underflow from the Eel River. The new point of diversion will consist of an infiltration gallery intake system buried approximately 40 feet below the surface of the Eel River which will be connected to pumps and a new treatment plant. Also the City wants to increase its allowable diversion rate to a maximum of 2.64 cfs and to a max. annual diversion of no more than 1500 acre-feet.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rio Dell Application to Appropriate Water and Petition to Add Points of Diversion to Existing License
City of Rio Dell City of Rio Dell's Application to Appropriate Water by Permit and Petition to Change Point of Diversion
City of Rio Dell City of Rio Dell's Application to Appropriate Water by Permit and Petition