SCH Number 1993103749
Project Info
- Title
- Description
- The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement 2001-0423, pursuant to Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Stan Davis, Bay Area Wetlands LLC. As part of the Breuner Marsh Restoration project, the operator proposes to remove the existing Goodrick Avenue box culvert crossing and the flood control berm along the north bank of Rheem Creek in Richmond, Contra Costa County. The existing concrete box culvert (17'x18'), along with the concrete wing walls and apron (11' up and downstream) will be removed and the creek restored to conform to the up and downstream channel configuration. In addition, the upper portion of the north bank ( 2.5-4.5' above mean high water), starting at the confluence with San Pablo Bay upstream approximately 1,500 linear ft. , will be excavated to create a 3:1 slope to restore the historic flood plain on the north side. Excavated materials, totaling approximately 20,000 yards of fill and rock riprap, will be hauled off site. The project is located on Rheem Creek at Goodrick Avenue in Richmond, Contra Costa County
2 documents in project