Friday, March 5, 2021

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44 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2021030182 Lewiston Community Services District (LCSD) Lewiston Community Services District Water Distribution System Replacement and Well 8 Project
2021030177 San Mateo County Resource Conservation District (SMCRCD) San Mateo County Parks Water Distribution and Infrastructure Projects
2021030176 Butte County Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility Composting Project
2021030175 Department of Toxic Substances Control Removal Action Workplan, Property South of Parcel A, Former Ventura Manufactured Gas Plant
2021030174 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0355-R1 for THP 1-20-00125- MEN “Iron Gate”
2021030173 Sonoma County UPE20-0039 De Paz Auto Sales
2021030172 California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) U.S. Forest Service, Goosenest Ranger District; Harlan Project (Encroachment Permit No. 02-21-6-RS-0081)
2021030171 Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District Common Landowner Transfer of up to 4,500 af of Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District’s Approved 2021 SWP Table A Water to Westlands Water District
2021030170 California Military Department - Office of the Adjutant General (CMD) Camp San Luis Obispo - Landscaping at Building 724
2021030169 California Military Department - Office of the Adjutant General (CMD) Camp San Luis Obispo - Building 1547 and 1548 Renovations
2021030168 Fresno County Environmental Review Application No. 7972 - Fowler and Olive Traffic Signal
2021030167 California Military Department - Office of the Adjutant General (CMD) Camp San Luis Obispo - Demolish Buildings 1601 and 1602
2021030166 California Department of Transportation, District 1 (DOT) Notice of Exemption
2021030165 South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Amended Rule 218 – Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEMS); Proposed Rule (PR) 218.2 – CEMS: General Provisions; and PR 218.3 – CEMS: Performance Spec.
2021030164 California Military Department - Office of the Adjutant General (CMD) Camp San Luis Obispo - Post-wide Invasive Plant Early Detection Rapid Response and Removal
2021030163 Santa Clara County Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Facility / BHSC Center
2013082012 City of Elk Grove Quail Run 2 (PLNG20-033)
2021030162 City of San Luis Obispo 163 Serrano Heights Drive Tentative Parcel Map
2021030161 Sacramento County 2804 California Tentative Parcel Map
2021030160 City of Elk Grove Taco Bell Remodel (PLNG21-002)
2021030159 City of Elk Grove Laguna West Plaza Pads 1 & 2 (PLNG21-011)
2020110457 City of Pittsburg Frontage Road General Plan Amendment and Rezone Project, AP-20-1544 (GP, RZ)
2001092014 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Eastridge to BART Regional Connector: Capitol Expressway Light Rail Project
2021030158 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan South Lake Tahoe Region 6 (RWQCB) Waste Discharge Requirements for Nonpoint Source Discharges Related to Certain Activities Conducted by the BLM and USFS on Federal Lands
2015121035 City of Yucca Valley Concurrence in the Issuance of a New Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP) for Yucca Valley Transfer Station in San Bernardino County, SWIS No. 36-AA-0494
2021030157 State Water Resources Control Board Canyon Dam Low-level Outlet Install Cutoff Wall Project
2021030156 California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) PG&E Electrical Pole Replacement, SR 70, PM 45.907
2021030155 Lake County Costa Pier Rebuild Project
2021030154 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Sonic 1815-Zeus-A 420 1st ST
2021030153 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Sonic 1815-Zeus-A 550 Rosedale
2021030152 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Sonic 1815-Zeus-A 525 S E ST
2021030151 Cypress School District 2021 MOTT Minor Alterations to Swain School
2021030150 Resource Conservation District, Monterey County Potrero Creek Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage Project - Carmel Valley Athletic Club
2021010137 Sonoma County DRH19-0014 Los Pinos Apartments
1999044004 Lower Tule River Irrigation District Tule River Basin Investigation / Success Lake Capacity Expansion NOD
2020100066 California City IS/MND for 16,560 s.f. cannabis cultivation and Type 6 manufacturing indoor facility
2021030149 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Benny's Bluff Slide DO
2021030148 University of California, Davis Ambulatory Care Center Net V2 Upgrade
2021030147 Resource Conservation District, Monterey County Geotechnical Investigation for Hastings Reserve Fish Passage Project
2021030146 State Water Resources Control Board NWP 12 - Chevron Pipeline Co. 19-SAL-02 Repair Site
2021030145 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Grizzly Forebay Dam Concrete Coring Exploration
2021030144 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) Highway 101 Culverts Post Miles 73.50 to 96.05, EA 0K520 (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MEN-14335-R1)
2021030143 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Zayo Prineville-to-Reno Fiber Optic Project
2021020008 Stanislaus County Tim Bell Road over Dry Creek Bridge (38C-0073) Replacement Project