Monday, January 6, 2020

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31 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2020010074 Kern County PLN19-02700
2020010073 Kern County PLN19-02699
2020010072 Kern County PLN19-02697
2020010071 Kern County PLN19-02696
2020010070 Kern County PLN19-02691
2020010068 Kern County PLN19-02690
2020010066 Kern County PLN19-02689
2020010065 Kern County PLN19-02688
2020010064 Kern County PLN19-02687
2020010063 Kern County PLN19-02685
2020010062 Kern County PLN19-02680
2020010061 California Department of Transportation, District 1 (DOT) South Area Bridge Repair; EA 01-0J200
2020010060 California Department of Transportation, Division of Transportation Planning (DOT) Mini-High Platforms Improvements Project
2020010059 California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) Lassen 36 Chain On/Off Safety Improvement
2020010057 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) OAT CREEK DEBRIS REMOVAL (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0836- R1)
2020010056 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW) Argo Ditch Long Term Maintenance Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600- 2016-0248-R5)
2020010053 Solano County Lot Line Adjustment Application No. LLA-19-04
2020010052 Imperial County Ocotillo Airstip Runway Extension (1600-2019-0137-R6)
2016112028 Mendocino County MJ COLUMBO LIONS DEN FAMILY FARMS STREAM CROSSING AND WELL (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0119-R1)
2019109047 Union School District Union School District Maintenance and Operations Building
2016071013 Newell County Water District (NCWD) Newell Wastewater System Renovation
2020019015 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Tisdale Bypass Sediment Removal 2020 Project
2020010051 City of Santa Rosa Installation of Public Restroom in Downtown Area
2020019014 City of Riverside Van Buren Boulevard Sewer Installation Project
2020019013 Sacramento County 9396 Greenback Lane 7-Eleven
2020019012 Irvine Ranch Water District Zone A to Rattlesnake Reservoir Pump Station Project
2020019011 City of Solana Beach Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito (UUFSD) Improvement Project
2019100514 City of Long Beach Spring Street Business Park Project
2019050015 City of San Juan Capistrano Ganahl Lumber Project
2019039042 City of Long Beach Omnibus Zoning Code Amendments Project - December 2019
2020019010 City of Manteca Manteca General Plan Update