Friday, June 3, 2016

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45 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2016068028 Placer County Newcombe Conditional Use Permit Modification
2014119010 Central Modoc Resource Conservation District (CMRCD) Barry Point Fire Forest Restoration Project
2016062014 City of San Rafael City of San Rafael Public Safety Center
2016069007 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Diamond Mountain Watershed Restoration Project
2016068025 Placer County Dudgeon Variance
2016031048 California Department of Transportation, District 10 SR 140 Slope Repair
2016022077 Placer County American River Headwater Restoration Project
2016068036 Sierra Nevada Conservancy Upper Pit/Lookout Watershed Restoration Project
2016068022 Placer County Brown Variance
2016061006 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Pacoima Wash Bikeway
2016068039 California Department of Transportation, District 3 BUT 70 HMA Overlay Project
2016061009 California Department of Transportation, District 11 Rescission of Freeway Declaration 11-SD-76 PM R9.0 to R17.3
2016061003 Fresno County IS 7108 and CUP 3529 (Verizon Wireless)
2013081071 California Department of Transportation, District 11 Right of Entry to Hollenbeck Canyon Wildlife Area to Accommodate the State Route (SR-) 94 Improvement Project
2016061007 Los Angeles County 2397 Stokes Canyon Road Project / Project No. R2013-00475 /Case No(s). Variance No. 201300001
2016068023 Placer County Newberry Variance
2016068040 Fresno County Environmental Review No. 7156 - Fresno County Westside Groundwater Project Test Wells
2016064001 United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Three Sisters Falls Recreation Management
2006081150 Monterey County Rancho Canada Village
2016068037 Sierra Nevada Conservancy Clarks Valley Wildfire Reduction Project
2016068031 El Dorado Union High School District Building "J" Science and Food Lab Modernization
2016061001 City of Colton Southwest Regional Operations Center
2016061004 Kerman Unified School District Kerman High School Athletic Facilities Addition and New Elementary School Project
2016068034 Sierra Nevada Conservancy South Fork Mokelumne River Watershed Restoration
2016021048 San Bernardino County Removal Action Workplan for Terrazas Project
2016064002 United States Department of Defense Environmental Assessment for Proposed Utility Corridors at Edwards Air Force Base, California
2016068035 Sierra Nevada Conservancy Sierra Buttes/Gold Lakes Basin Properties Non-Industrial Timber Mangement Plan
2016061005 Fresno County IS 6976 and DRA 4403 (Melkonian Broterhs Fruit Stand, LLC)
2016068038 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Lower Deer Creek Falls Fish Passage Improvement Project (Request No. 1652-2016-006-001-R1)
2010092042 Town of Windsor Vintage Oaks on the Town Green
2016068029 Nevada Irrigation District Replacement of the existing Canal with a Pipeline at the Meade Canal
2016068032 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Abbott Lake Pipe and Culvert Replacement Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0104-R2)
2016062015 Shasta County Parcel Map 08-025 (Ambrus)
2016068026 Placer County Acosta Variance
2015022010 City of Fremont Peralta Crossing
2016068030 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Rogers Creek Improvement Steps
2016051027 City of Los Angeles Santa Monica and Barrington Mixed-Use Project
2016068033 Sierra Nevada Conservancy Long Gulch Watershed Enhancement Plan
2016062016 Placer County Schnurrenberger Minor Land Division (PLN15-00408)
2016062013 Humboldt County Benbow KOA Improvements Project
2016069006 Lake Elsinore Unified School District Elsinore HS Campus Baseball Dugout, Bleachers, Storm Drain, & Courtyard Reconstrution
2016068021 City of Los Banos Conditional Use Permit #2016-10
2016068024 Placer County Young Variance
2016061008 City of Los Angeles Swansea Park Senior Apartments Phase 2 and Swansea Village Project
2016068027 Placer County Shore Variance