Wednesday, December 12, 2012
- Received Date
- 2012-12-12
- Edit Search
20 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2011052077 | EIR | City of American Canyon | American Canyon Circulation Element Update | |
2012128177 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Repair Slip-outs and Slides -Due to Heavy Rain | |
2012128176 | NOE | California Energy Commission | Nonresidential Building Energy Use Disclosure Program Regulations | |
2012121027 | MND | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2012-1389-MND / 2023 N. Preston Avenue | |
2012121028 | MND | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2011-1778-MND / 950 W. Stadium Way | |
2012121026 | MND | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2012-2839-MND / 2 E. Breeze Avenue | |
2012121025 | MND | Merced County | Highway 99 Truck Stop Project at Harvey Pettit Road | |
2009111081 | NOD | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Jensen Solids Handling Facility | |
2012128173 | NOE | Oak Valley Union School District | Oak Valley Union School District Water Treatment System | |
2012092029 | NOD | Reclamation District 341 | Sherman Island PL 84-99 Levee Rehabilitation Project | |
2012082025 | NOP | RecycleMore - West Contra Costa Integrated Waste Management Authority | West Contra Costa County Single-Use Carryout Bag Reduction Ordinance | |
2012101007 | NOD | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Rice Creek Re-alignment | |
2012122024 | NEG | City of Sacramento | Brookfield School (P12-039) | |
2003041057 | NOD | City of San Diego | Sycamore Landfill Master Plan/5617 | |
2012122022 | NOP | City and County of San Francisco | 75 Howard Street Project Case No. 2011.1122E | |
2012129006 | NOD | Santa Ana Unified School District | El Sol Science and Arts Academy Campus Reconstruction | |
2007078010 | NOD | Santa Ana Unified School District | El Sol Science and Arts Academy Expansion Project | |
2012041084 | EIR | City of Santa Monica | Proposed Hotels at 1554 5th Street and 501 Colorado Avenue | |
2012061093 | NOD | South Coast Air Quality Management District | Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FPEIR) for the 2012 Air Quality Management Plan | |
2012122023 | MND | City of Yreka | Yreka Creek Trail Development Project |