Thursday, August 9, 2012
- Received Date
- 2012-08-09
- Edit Search
46 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2012088103 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Boyajian Pier Repair Project | |
2012081027 | NEG | City of El Cajon | Recycle X Medical Waste Treatment Facility - CUP No. 2165 | |
2012088083 | NOE | Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department | Lancaster Sheriff's Station - Dispatch Area Renovation Project | |
2012088100 | NOE | Northstar Community Services District | Fuels Management Maintenance 2 | |
2012082034 | MND | Sutter County | Project #07-066 | |
2004092117 | NOD | City of Orinda | Orinda Oaks Wetland Mitigation Project | |
2012088111 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | Vintage 7-14H and 8-14H | |
2012088097 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Well 2 and Well 9 Floridation | |
2012088091 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | San Bernardino National Forest Ground Operations | |
2012082037 | NOP | Sonoma County | Watmaugh Road Bridge Replacement Project | |
2012061038 | NOD | Kings County | Re Mustang, RE Orion, and RE Kent South Solar Generation Facilities | |
2012088094 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Dog Valley Meadow Restoration Project | |
2012088095 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Ground Operations | |
2012088098 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Fluoridation Addition to Golden state Water Company Southwest District Well | |
2008051084 | EIR | Madera County | Gunner Ranch West Specific Plan | |
2012088089 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Sequoia National Forest Education and Safety | |
2012088106 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | Little Bear 314-5H | |
2012081030 | NEG | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 7 (Colorado River Basin), Palm Desert | Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Agricultural Wastewater Discharges and Discharges | |
2012088092 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Trails Planning for Deep Creek/Coxey Area | |
2012088086 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Stanislaus National Forest Ground Operations | |
1996061024 | SIR | Orange County | James A. Musick Jail Expansion | |
2012088109 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | Patricia McKellar et al No. #1 | |
2012088110 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | William Elliott 75-15 | |
2012088090 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Sequoia National Forest Restoration | |
2012088093 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | San Bernardino National Forest Ground Operations | |
2012082033 | NEG | Sacramento County | Elk Grove-Florin Road Bridge at Elder Creek | |
2012088087 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Stanislaus National Forest Groveland Reynolds Development | |
2012088104 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 8 (Santa Ana), Riverside | Line 5000 Span Maintenance Project | |
2012081028 | NOP | San Benito County Water District | West Hills Water Treatment Plant | |
2012081031 | EA | National Park Service | Blackrock Campground Rehabilitation, Joshua Tree National Park | |
2011022041 | SIR | Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District | Shasta River Tailwater Reduction Project | |
2012088084 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Mumbert Cabin Utility System Upgrade, Automatic Gate and Road Paving Project | |
2012088101 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | El Dorado County Julie Lane Restoration Project | |
2008072115 | FIS | City of Rocklin | General Plan Update | |
2012079010 | NOD | Town of Paradise | Feather River Hospital Conversion | |
2012088088 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Stanislaus National Forest Mi-Wok North district Development | |
2012081029 | NOP | City of San Diego | Carroll Canyon Commercial Center | |
2012088105 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Camp Host Site Fence, Idyllwild Campground MSJ (11/12-IE-22) | |
2002091105 | NOD | City of Clovis | A Modified Solid Waste Facilities Permit for City of Clovis | |
2012088085 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | Bear Valley Creek Upper Culvert Replacement and Bank Repair Project | |
2012088108 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | Paladin 1-25 | |
2012088096 | NOE | Lebec County Water District | Fluoride MCL Compliance Project | |
2012088099 | NOE | Department of Rehabilitation | Lease of Existing Office Space | |
2012031053 | EIR | City of Pasadena | Temporary Increase in Rose Bowl Displacement Events | |
2012081026 | NOP | Riverside County | EIR No. 532 / Conditional Use Permit No. 3684 / Public Use Permit 916 / Palo Verde Mesa Solar | |
2012088102 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Feibusch Shoreline Stabilization Project |