Thursday, August 2, 2012
- Received Date
- 2012-08-02
- Edit Search
36 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2012081010 | MND | City of Adelanto | Location and Development Plan 12-02, Conditional Use Permit 12-02 Tentative Parcel Map 19391 | |
2012088011 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Emergency Project 0C300: Stabilize and Repair Highway | |
2011071024 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Betty Drive Interchange | |
2012082009 | MND | Contra Costa County | Request to Subdivide Approx. 6.1 Acres into Residential Lots within the El Sobrante Area of Contra Costa County | |
2011042043 | NOD | Donner Summit Public Utility District | Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion Project | |
2012082010 | MND | East Bay Regional Parks District | Feeder Trail #1 Project | |
2012081008 | MND | Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District | Adelfa Booster Relocation Project | |
2012081006 | MND | Fresno County | Allow an Exploratory Petroleum Oil and Natural Gas Well and Production Facility | |
2012081005 | MND | City of Indio | Madison Street Improvement Project from Avenue 50 to Avenue 52 | |
2012041063 | EIR | Kern County | EIR JRK 11-10; Avalon Wind Energy Project by Avalon Wind, LLC. | |
2012081003 | MND | City of La Verne | Cedar Springs Apartments | |
2009091085 | NOD | Los Angeles County | Scattergood to Olympic Line 1 Project | |
2012081004 | MND | Los Angeles County | Admiralty Way Street Improvement | |
2012041064 | NOD | Monterey County | Los Padres Dam Downstream Fish Passage | |
2012082007 | NOP | City of Mountain View | 625-685 Clyde Avenue Office Project | |
2012042045 | NOD | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | SBA Towers, Inc. / North Grenada Wireless Communication Facility Use Permit (UP-12-01) | |
2012062030 | NOD | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | Bottimore Field III Project | |
2012088014 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | Pinecrest Remove Rock Fall Hazard Project | |
2012088013 | NOE | Department of Rehabilitation | Lease of Existing Office Space | |
2012082008 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA0700027-One Year Time Extension for Previously Approved Use Permit | |
2012051041 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Golden State Water Company Development Plan DRC2010-00060 | |
2007121034 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Los Osos Wastewater Project (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-5230-110 | |
2012081007 | NEG | Santa Barbara County | El Camino Winery | |
2011042095 | NOD | Sonoma County | Coastal Prairie Trail | |
2012061093 | NOP | South Coast Air Quality Management District | 2012 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) | |
2010012067 | NOD | Tahoe City Public Utility District | Lake Forest Consolidation & Improvement | |
2012071052 | JD | Tea Pot Dome Water District | Partial Assignment of 300 AF to Saucelito Irrigation District | |
2012052021 | NOD | Truckee Donner Public Utility District | 2012 Water Master Plan Update | |
2012081009 | MND | Ventura County | CUP No. LU09-0128; PMW/Voluntary Merger No. SD11-0016 & Variance No. LU12-0030 | |
2012088018 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | 1219 High School Road Gas Line Replacement | |
2012088017 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Russian River Slope Stabilization Project | |
2012088015 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement 1600-2012-0059 - Huntington Lake Accessible Fishing Platform Capital Improvement Project | |
2012031068 | NOD | Fish & Game #4 | Stream Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0072-R4 for the Mammoth Pool Howell-Bunger Valve and Fishwater Generator Replacement Project | |
2012079008 | NOD | Fish & Game #4 | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 2012-0065-R4, issued in conjunction with 1999 Matkin Non-Industrial Management Plan (NTMP) No. 4-99-007/TUO | |
2012088016 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement 2012-0092-R4 - Erosion Protection Project | |
2012088012 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Streambed Alteration Agreement Concerning Hidden Lake, Tributary to Guajome Lake, San Luis Rey River |