Thursday, August 11, 2011

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51 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011089004 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2010-0049-R1
2011081038 City of Fresno Plan Amendment Applicantion No. A-11-008 and Rezone Application No. R-11-011
2009071053 City of Gardena City of Gardena 2008-2014 Housing Element
2011081036 City of Morro Bay Del Mar Park Tennis Courts
2011041038 City of Newport Beach Mariner's Point
2011081037 Orange County Water District Fletcher Basin Improvement Project
2011088096 California Department of Parks and Recreation Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District, Restoration: CalMat Site
2011088093 California Department of Parks and Recreation Frank Raines OHV Park Ground Operations
2011088107 California Department of Parks and Recreation California City OHV Park Ground Operations
2011088104 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rubicon Trail Safety and Education
2011088106 California Department of Parks and Recreation California City Borax Bill OHV Park Expansion
2011088094 California Department of Parks and Recreation Motorcycle Park Ground Operations
2011088100 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rubicon Trail Phase 1 Ground Operations
2011088108 California Department of Parks and Recreation California City Borax Bill OHV Park and OHV Routes, Education and Safety
2011088091 California Department of Parks and Recreation Tulare Motorcycle Park Ground Operations
2011088111 California Department of Parks and Recreation Installation of District Office and District Service Yard Signs (11-12-SD-03)
2011088102 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wentworth Springs Trail Maintenance
2011088105 California Department of Parks and Recreation California City Acquisition
2011088099 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rubicon Trail Acquisition
2011088103 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rubicon Trail Routine Maintenance and Operations
2011088114 California Department of Parks and Recreation Roofs Over the Containers & Carports Between Storage Containers (11/12-SD-02)
2011088097 California Department of Parks and Recreation Porterville OHV Park Ground Operations
2011088101 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rubicon Trail Seasonal Drainage Crossing Improvement Project
2011088098 California Department of Parks and Recreation Competitive Edge Motocross Park (CEMX) Ground Operations
2011088095 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Benito River Restoration
2011088092 California Department of Parks and Recreation La Grange OHV Park Ground Operations
2011082032 City of Petaluma Rainier Avenue Cross-Town Connector
2007122051 Placer County Dry Creek/West Placer Community Plan - Transportation Element Update (PEIR T20070805)
2011088115 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) RHB, Brea
2010111065 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Stream Alteration Agreement no. 1600-2010-0192-R4 for the PG&E Hollister 115kV Power Line Reconductoring Project.
2011022067 City of Redwood City 2580 El Camino Real Residential Project
2011088090 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9 San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) - Mission Control Perimeter Fence Swale Maintenance Project
2011088113 The Resources Agency Tracks at Brea - Acquisition of 3.9 Acres for Brea Rails to Trails
2011088112 The Resources Agency River Parkway Acquisitions
2008072115 City of Rocklin General Plan Update
2010022066 San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Draft Amendments to Rule 2301 (Emission Reduction Credit Banking)
2008091026 San Luis Obispo County Topaz Solar Farm Project
2011072016 Santa Clara County Bagnas Residences
2005101047 Santa Clara Valley Water District East Pipeline Maintenance Phase II
2011061034 Santa Rita Union School District Elementary School #5/Harrod K-8 Site Acquisition
2011082031 City of Sebastopol Barlow Winery
2011082036 Stanislaus County Tentaive Parcel Map Application No. 2011-04-KOCHEVAR
2011088109 State Water Resources Control Board Approving Petitions for Change and Extension of Time for Permit 20699 (Application 30132) of Deridere Aper Vinea, L.P.
2011088110 Department of Toxic Substances Control Removal Action Workplan, Correia Middle School, San Diego Unified School District
2011081039 Tulare City Schools New Elementary School at Seminole and Morrison
2010051048 Tulare County Santa Fe Bike Path/Multi-Purpose Trail Connection Project
2011022039 City of Vallejo Vallejo-Baylink Ferry Maintenance Facility
2011052059 Western Shasta Resource Conservation District Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement no. 1600-2011-0162-R1, WSRCD Red Sesbania Eradication
2010122088 Fish & Game #2 Austin Creek Watershed Restoration Phase 1
2011088089 Fish & Game #3 Geyserville Bridge Bank Stabilization
2011088088 Fish & Game #4 Stream Alteration Agreement No. 2011-0054-R4 for the PG&E Diablo Creek Security Project