Wednesday, October 22, 2008
- Received Date
- 2008-10-22
- Edit Search
49 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2008108318 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 9 | Father Crowley Point Visitor Area Project | |
2004112063 | NOI | Santa Cruz County | Master Permit for Env. Enhancement Projects | |
2008108324 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Will Rogers Barnyard Restoration Project | |
2008102081 | NEG | San Joaquin County | Podesta Farms Agricultural Expansion | |
2008101119 | NOP | California Prison Healthcare Receivership Corporation (CPR) | California Health Care Facility, Chino | |
2008108321 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Installation of a Permanent Emergency Generator at the Robert A. Skinner Water Treatment Plant | |
2008101116 | MND | San Bernardino County | Glen Helen Nature Trail Improvement | |
2008108332 | NOE | California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) | Redding Field Office Reconfiguration, Department of Motor Vehicles | |
2008108338 | NOE | Department of Consumer Affairs | Lease of New Office Space | |
2008108315 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Robertson Park Fire Hazard Reduction along Arroyo Mocho | |
2008101113 | MND | City of San Diego | Kornfeld Residence | |
2007082143 | EIR | City of Cloverdale | City of Cloverdale General Plan Update | |
2008108335 | NOE | Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) | Clovis East High School Career Technical Education Project | |
2008108319 | NOE | California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) | New Office Space | |
2008101117 | NOP | City of Lompoc | City of Lompoc Bailey Avenue Specific Plan EIR | |
2008108316 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement No. 2008-0156-R4; Line 400 Dent Repair - San Luis Obispo Creek | |
2008108336 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | Underground Diesel Fuel Line Replacement | |
2008101114 | NEG | City of Vista | Sycamore Office Plaza | |
2008108313 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Bacchi Cow Camp Bridge Replacement (1600-0277-R2) | |
2008108333 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Medea Creek Pathway Restoration | |
2008032014 | NOD | Town of Paradise | Pheasant Ridge Commons Administrative Permit Modification and Tree Felling Permit | |
2008108330 | NOE | Tuolumne County | 04RZ-107 and 04WA-100 | |
2008102084 | MND | Placer County | Cabral Ranch (PSUB T20080105) | |
2008108327 | NOE | Tuolumne County | 05AP-008, 05RZ-215, and 05WA-188 | |
2008108334 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Los Caballos Cleanup | |
2008072104 | NOD | City of Chico | City of Chico Stormwater Ordinance | |
2008108331 | NOE | California Department of State Parks, Division of Boating and Waterways | Lake Clementine Launch Ramp Improvements | |
2008108314 | NOE | Sacramento County | TRE Restaurant Incidental Dancing Use Permit | |
2007022016 | NOD | Santa Clara County | Sanborn County Park Trails Master Plan | |
2008108328 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Zone Change RZ07-018 | |
2008102085 | MND | Modesto Irrigation District | Rosemore-Woodland 69-kV Transmission Line Project | |
2007052146 | FIN | City of Petaluma | Water Recycling Expansion Program | |
2008108325 | NOE | Tuolumne County | 05AP-007, 05RZ-210, and 05WA-186 | |
2008062059 | NOP | City of South San Francisco | Gateway Business Park Master Plan Project | |
2008102082 | NEG | San Joaquin County | Youngs Payless Market - On Premise Sign | |
2008101120 | MND | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Senior Canyon Mutual Water Company Pipeline Project | |
2008108322 | NOE | Department of Rehabilitation | Lease of Merced Office Space | |
2008011079 | EIR | West Basin Municipal Water District | Temporary Ocean Water Desalination Demonstration Project | |
2008108326 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Wagner Family Revocable Trust | |
2008108323 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust - ROE & Easement at Pan Pacific Park | |
2008102083 | MND | Placer County | Plaza II (PCPB T20080098) | |
2008108329 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Zone Change RZ08-017 | |
1996082016 | NOD | Tuolumne County | Ordinance for Zone Change RZ08-018 to rezone a 1.0+/- acre parcel from M-1;PD (Light Industrial: Planned Unit Development Combining) to C-S (Special Commercial) | |
2008101118 | NEG | East Niles Community Services District | Freeway Tank Pump Station Project | |
2008108317 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 9 | Conway Summit Cinder Shed Project | |
2007102039 | NOD | Town of Paradise | Sonntag Subdivision, General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Annexation | |
2008108337 | NOE | Department of Consumer Affairs | Lease of New Storage Facility | |
2008108320 | NOE | California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) | Lease Renewal | |
2008101115 | MND | San Diego County | Starco Gas Station & Mini Food Store |