Tuesday, June 3, 2008
- Received Date
- 2008-06-03
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55 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
1999122067 | NOD | City of Elk Grove | South Pointe General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Tentative Subdivision Map and Special Development Permit ; | |
2008068032 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Van Nuys Courthouse West and the Associated Courthouse Parking Structure by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2007022049 | EIR | San Francisco Redevelopment Agency | Remedial Action Plan for the Schlage Operable Unit OU) and UPC OU1 | |
2008068052 | NOE | Lake Elsinore Unified School District | Temporary Closure of the Jean Hayman Elementary School | |
2008068029 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | Adoption of Site Cleanup Requirements for Hopyard Clearners | |
2008068035 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Inglewood Junvenile Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
1997062089 | NOD | City of Oakland | Extension of Interim Land Use Controls | |
2008068012 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | San Jose Water Company Will Wool Well #1 and #2 Replacement Project | |
2008068049 | NOE | Sacramento Regional Transit District | Preventive Maintenance of Facilities and Vehicles FY08 | |
2008061016 | NOP | Gavilan Joint Community College District | Gavilan San Benito Campus - Fairview Corners Master Plan | |
2007051077 | NOP | Monterey County | Carmel Valley Road Intersection Improvements at Boronda Road, Rancho Road, and County Club Drive | |
2008068023 | NOE | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | Rule Development: Rule 7070 (Perchloroethylene from Dry Cleaning Operations) | |
2008068046 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Dark Gulch Waterline Replacement | |
2006062071 | NOD | Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority | Feather River Levee Repair Project, an Element of the Yuba-Feather Supplemental Flood Control Project | |
2008068043 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the St. Joseph's Parking Lot by the Administrative Office to the Courts | |
2008068026 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Shea Irrigation Dam Repair (1600-2004-0461-R2) | |
2007122100 | MND | San Andreas Sanitary District | San Andreas Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Improvement Project | |
2008068024 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Wolf Creek Bridge/Nevada County Land Trust (1600-2008-0008-R2) | |
2008061017 | NEG | City of Holtville | Housing Element Update 2008 | |
2008068047 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | Caulerpa Taxifolia Eradication Technique Development | |
2008068030 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | Order No. R2-2008-0027, Revised Waste Discharge Requirements and Rescission of Order No. 91-160 for Clover Flat Landfill, Napa County | |
2008068044 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Gordon D. Schaber Sacramento Superior Court | |
2008068050 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Mono Way Widening | |
2008022099 | EIR | City of Tiburon | Harbor Light Commercial Project; 20 Main Street & 22 Main Street | |
2008068027 | NOE | Riverside Unified School District | Addition of Portables for Growth 2008 | |
2008032049 | NOD | Department of Toxic Substances Control | Operable Unit A Remedial Action Plan and Feasibility Study; and Interim Action Remedial Action Plan & Feasibility Study; Georgia-Pacific Wood Products Facility | |
2008062007 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-0800165 | |
2008068038 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Pomona Courthouse South and the Associated Courthouse Parking Structure by Administrative Office of the Courts | |
1992101099 | NOD | San Diego County | Dillard and Judd Roll County, LLC, TM5394RPL2 | |
2008068021 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Ross Valley Sanitary District Sewer Upgrade | |
2008068041 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Watsonville Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2008068039 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the San Pedro Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
1995112022 | NOD | City of Roseville | Hewlett Packard Master Plan Project EIR | |
2008068022 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Install Signs and Exhibit Panel | |
2008068045 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Juvenile Court by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2008068042 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the New Watsonville Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2008068025 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | South Fork Silver Creek Debris Removal (1600-2008-0005-R2) | |
2008011065 | NOD | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Olive Hill Well No. 1 | |
2008032015 | NOD | City of Pittsburg | Pittsburg Civic Tower and Davi Avenue Roadway Improvement Project | |
2008068036 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Monrovia Courthouse (Old Santa Anita Courthouse) by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2008068033 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Beverly Hills Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2008069016 | NOD | City of La Quinta | Environmental Assessment 2001-436; General Plan Amendment 2001-083 and Zone Change 2001-105 | |
2008068037 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Pasadena Courthouse and the Associated Courthouse Parking Structure by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2008062006 | MND | Placer County | Hidden Creek Subdivision (PCPB T20060380) | |
2008068034 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Glendale Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2007072121 | EIR | City of San Jose | San Jose Medical Center Demolition | |
2008068040 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Modesto Main Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2008068031 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee Acquisition of the Inglewood Courthouse and West Parking Structure by the Administrative Office of the Courts | |
2008068051 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Columbia Airport Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) Upgrade | |
2008068028 | NOE | Riverside Unified School District | Closure of Grant Elementary School | |
2002042111 | NOD | Placer County | Mountain Air Sports Raft Rentals (EIAQ -3663) | |
2002022045 | NOD | Sacramento County | Residences of Murieta Hills Project | |
2008061015 | NEG | Lee Lake Water District | Wildrose Business Park Sewer Lift Station | |
2008068011 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Guy Fleming House Deferred Maintenance Projects (07/08-SD-39) | |
2008068048 | NOE | Department of Veterans Affairs | Yountville Veterans Home Holderman Activity Center HVAC Upgrades |