Tuesday, February 22, 2005

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177 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2005028328 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McKittrick Front" S493J (030-26930)
2005029041 City of Palmdale Zone Change 03-08 and Tentative Tract Map 54301 Appeal
2005028351 California State Lands Commission Paul Collins and Candice Collins - Recreational Pier Lease
2004041074 City of Thousand Oaks HPD 2002-80; S D Development, Inc.; HPD 2002-80
2005022108 Tehama County U.P. #05-06, Pioneer Exploration (Viola L. Jensen, Surface Owner)
2005022111 Sonoma County Water Agency Water Supply, Transmission, and Reliability Project (Water Project)
2005028285 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 986D-13 (030-26895)
2005021109 Mojave Public Utility District Mojave Public Utility District Annexation No. 28
2005028291 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No 355X-34R (030-26903)
2005028354 California State Lands Commission Tiki Lagun Partners, LLC - General Lease - Commercial Use
2005022105 Tuolumne County Conditional Use Permit (04CUP-07) for Cooper Clay Field Mining Operation
2005028308 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0818N (030-26919)
2005028331 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Star Fee" S481L (030-26937)
2001021058 City of Beaumont General Plan Amendment No. 02-GPA-02, Annexation No. 02-ANX-01, Pre-Zoning No. 02-RZ-02 and Noble Creek Specific Plan, Amendment (SP-01-1); Noble Creek Vistas S
2005028311 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0816S (030-26922)
2005028371 California State Lands Commission Riverfront Ventures, LLC - a Delaware Limited Liability Company - Boundary Line Agreement
2005021106 City of Shafter General Plan Amendment No. 05-09 / Zone Change No. 05-26
2005028288 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No 341H-2G (030-26904)
2005028348 California State Lands Commission Lila L. Schiffner - Recreational Pier Lease
2005021103 Riverside County Tentative Tract Map No. 31476, Environmental Assessment No. 39198, California Fish and Game No. 02662
2005028342 California State Lands Commission Frances B. Nelson, David D. Bohannon, II and Robert Webster, Trustees of the davaid D. Bohannon and Ophelia E. Bohannon Revocable Living Trusts - Recreational P
2005028305 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0721N (030-26916)
2005028259 California Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC) Upper Las Virgenes Open Space Preserve / Victory Blvd. Trailhead
2005028365 California State Lands Commission Waldo Point Harbor, LLC - General Lease
2005028282 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 301A (030-26892)
1998031109 Indian Wells Valley Water District 1997 Water General Plan
2005028322 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McKittrick Front" S528G (030-26928)
2005028345 California State Lands Commission Thomas P. Nunes and Thomas P. Nunes Jr., - Recreational Pier Lease
1999082041 City of Modesto P-TSM-04-014/Scenic Bend Estates
2005022102 Tehama County U.P. #05-08, Pioneer Exploration (Viola L. Jensen, Surface Owner)
2005028299 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "San Joaquin" 328R (030-26911)
2005028302 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0716N (030-26913)
2005028279 Fish & Game #2 Kemp Single Family Residence and Boat Dock
2005028362 California State Lands Commission Keith E. Lindsey and Lela Lindsey, Trustees of the Keith and Lela Lindsey Family Trust - General Lease - Protective Structure and Recreational Use
2005028256 Fish & Game #3 KMEP Line Section 8 Maintenance Operations
2005034001 United States Department of the Interior Six Environmental Assessments for Granting Suspensions of Production or Operations February 11, 2005
2004111092 California Department of Transportation, District 5 Cuyama Curve Realignment
2005028319 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Belridge I" 7223G-2 (030-26949)
2005022122 City of Larkspur Oak Hill Road Land Division
2005028325 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McKittrick Front" S528J (030-26932)
2005028283 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 267A (030-26893)
2005028343 California State Lands Commission Richard Buenting - Recreational Pier Lease
2005028260 California Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC) Sepulveda Pass Open Space Fire Road Restoration
2005028366 California State Lands Commission Plamero LLC, dba Delta Shores Resort and Marina - General Lease - Commercial Use
2005022123 Stockton Unified School District Carpenter Road Transfer of Title
2005022100 City of Mammoth Lakes Mammoth Creek Park Ice Rink
2005021104 City of Morro Bay Morro Bay State Park Marina
2005022103 Tehama County U.P. #05-07, Pioneer Exploration (Viola L. Jensen, Surface Owner)
2005012010 Plumas County Pine Ridge (Twin Peak Investors) TSM/PD 8-04/05-04
2005028306 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0722N (030-26917)
2004102042 Alameda County Kent Gardens Senior Housing Project
2005028369 California State Lands Commission Arnold D. Feurstein - General Lease - Recreation Use
2005022120 Sacramento County Manolakas Retail Center Community Plan Amendment, Rezone, Variance, and Use Permit
2005028323 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McKittrick Front" S540G (030-26929)
2005021107 San Luis Obispo County Van Note Parcel Map SUB2004-00084
2005028286 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McPhee" 5-5H2 (030-26896)
2005028346 California State Lands Commission Woodland Pier, Inc. - Recreational Pier Lease
2005028326 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McKittrick Front" S493K (030-26933)
2004012038 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Lake County CURE Project: Culvert Extension and Metal Beam Guard Rail Removal
2005028349 California State Lands Commission Christopher B. McCluney, Trustee of the Christopher B. McCluney Trust - 1991 - Recreational Pier Lease
2004072075 City of Oakley Laurel Road Extension Project
2005028303 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0717N (030-26914)
2005028363 California State Lands Commission Ronald S. Wong and Letha Wong, et al/Federal Bureau of Land Management - Acceptance of Quitclaim Deed and Authorize Amendment of Lease PRC 8041.9
2005028280 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "SEBU T" 3434A-12 (030-26877)
2005022106 Tehama County U.P. #05-02, Aspen Exploration (Frank B. Simms Trust Etal. Surface Owner)
2005028297 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Knob Hill" 49R (030-26909)
2005028357 California State Lands Commission Donna Obert Blower - General Lease - Recreational and Residential Use
2005028320 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Belridge III" 7026E-3 (030-26943)
2004062119 City of Oakley Magnolia Park
2004121140 City of Alhambra Story Park Playground Equipment Purchase and Installation
2005028337 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. HZ1-21 (030-26950)
2005028277 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Bridge Deck Repair Shasta River
2005028300 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "San Joaquin" 788R (030-26912)
2005028360 California State Lands Commission San Diego Unified Port District - Amendment of Lease
2005028254 City of Stanton Remodel and Expansion of Existing Commercial Building 10500 and 10550 Magnolia Avenue. APN 127-461-02
2005029044 City of Carlsbad Forest Avenue Sewer Line
2005022117 City of San Jose Lower Guadalupe River Trail Master Plan
2005028314 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Belridge I" 7294-2 (030-26944)
2005028294 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No 348X-30S (030-26906)
2005028257 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Tower Bridge Deck Rehabilitation
2005028317 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Belridge I" 7200F-2 (030-26947)
2005021115 City of San Diego Skyline Hills Townhomes
2003081085 City of Rancho Cucamonga LAFCO 2970A-Reorganization Including Annexations to City of Rancho Cucamonga and West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (Etiwanda Creek DRC2003-01164,
2005028334 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Star Fee" S313U (030-26940)
2004122056 Crescent City Crescent City Coastal Trail - Harbor Trail: North Segment
2005022114 Del Norte County Performance Excavators Fish Camp and Modification of a RV Park UP0521/ B28203
2005028340 Fish & Game #5 Santa Paula Creek Toe Repair and Pilot Channel Restoration
2005028358 California State Lands Commission Koehier Kraft Company, Inc. - Dredging Lease
2004112073 Great Basin Air Pollution Control District Upper Basalt Geothermal Exploration Project
2005028275 Harmony Union School District Salmon Creek School Cafeteria / Multi-use Room
2005022101 Turlock Irrigation District Bobcat Flat Coarse Sediment Introduction and Riparian Restoration Project
2004012096 Humboldt Bay Harbor Chevron Eureka Terminal Maintenance Dredging
2005028298 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "San Joaquin" 230R (030-26910)
2003122085 Amador County Fiddletown Road Bridge Replacement Project
2005022115 Calaveras County 2004-66 Conditional Use Permit for T-Mobile USA
2005028255 Fullerton School District Richman Elementary School Parking Lot
2005022118 Santa Clara County Guglielmo General Plan Amendment
2004022066 Sonoma County Guerneville River Park Project
2005021116 Imperial County Mesquite Lake Specific Plan
2005028344 California State Lands Commission Susan M. Irwin and Keith D. Irwin - Recreational Pier Lease
2005028321 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 336XH-30R (030-26927)
2005021102 Riverside County Change of Zone No. 06769, Tentative Tract Map No. 31206, Environmental Assessment No. 38960, California Fish and Game No. 02408
2005029045 City of Yucaipa 04-223 / CUP David Skinner
2004122080 Crockett - Valona Sanitary District Crockett Reorganization
2005028338 Department of Education Riverside School for the Deaf Modernization, Chiller Line, and Waterline Replacement Project
2005028278 Fish & Game #2 Louis Park Boat Launching Facility Refurbishing
2005028301 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McKittrick Fee" H-109A (030-26926)
2005028361 California State Lands Commission City of Newport Beach - Common Area
2005028341 Fish & Game #5 Robert Cullen Home
2005028364 California State Lands Commission City of Berkeley - Office of Capital Projects - Dredging Lease
2005028281 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sunridge" 1-35 (030-26900)
2005028295 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Perseus" 8R (030-26907)
2005028258 Fish & Game #3 Brooks Road Bridge Replacement
2005028318 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Belridge I" 7267F-2 (030-26948)
2005022121 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges Related to Sand and Gravel Mining Excavation
2005022109 Tehama County U.P. #05-04, Pioneer Exploration (Viola L. Jensen, Surface Owner)
2005021110 San Luis Obispo County JLK Development Grading Permit ED04-179; PMT2004-00605
2002032149 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Lower Butte Creek - West Side Borrow Channel Project
2005028312 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0818S (030-26923)
2004101078 City of Carlsbad Kelly Corporate Center GPA/ZC - GPA 04-09/ZC 04-05/LCPA 04-08
2005029042 Colusa County ED #04-86, TPM #04-10-4, Pacific West Homes, Inc.
2005028335 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Star Fee" S326V (030-26941)
2001112085 Sacramento County General Lease - Public Agency Use
2005028292 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "SEBU T" 3323A-1 (030-26873)
2005028458 City of Rialto Precise Plan of Design No. 1919
2005028315 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Belridge I" 7289C-2 (030-26945)
2004051148 Mariposa County Don Pedro Wastewater Treatment Facility
2005028352 California State Lands Commission LLC of Wallace and Janet Breuner - General Lease - Recreational Use
2005028329 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Star Fee" S469F (030-26935)
2005028309 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0819N (030-26920)
2005028332 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Star Fee" S326Q (030-26938)
2005022112 Tehama County U.P. #05-03, Aspen Exploration (Margaret D. Merrill, Surface Owner)
2005028289 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No 345-34R (030-26901)
2005021113 Kern County EAKC11-04; GPA 3; ZC 15; PD #5; Map 166-19; S & J Rentals by Robert Hogue
2005028355 California State Lands Commission City of Rio Visto - General Lease - Public Agency Use
2005028313 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0819S (030-26924)
2005028290 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No 353-34R (030-26902)
2005028336 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Star Fee" S326W (030-26942)
2005022116 Alameda County Zone 6 Line N and N-1 Maintenance De-silting Project
2005021111 Monterey County PLN030607 - Monterey Peninsula Country Club
2000081028 City of Huntington Beach General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use
2000081028 City of Huntington Beach General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use
2005029043 Chester Public Utility District (CPUD) Wildwood Senior Center Expansion
2005028359 California State Lands Commission Continental Maritime - Dredging Lease
2005022110 Tehama County U.P. #05-05, Pioneer Exploration (Viola L. Jensen, Surface Owner)
2005028276 Harmony Union School District Salmon Creek School Cafeteria / Multi-Use Room
2004092105 Novato Sanitary District Bel Marin Keys Pump Station No. 5 Improvement Project No. 2001-8
2005021114 Kern County City of McFarland Test Water Well Project (#16.04.1)
2005022113 Del Norte County Richard Anderson - Minor Subdivision - MS0523C
2005028339 Fish and Game Santa Barbara Richard Castile Stump Removal
2004081199 City of Hermosa Beach 200 Pier Avenue
2005028293 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No 337X-30S (030-26905)
2005028353 California State Lands Commission West Shore Investors, L.P., a California Limited Partnership - General Lease - Recreational Use
2005028316 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Belridge I" 7171D-2 (030-26946)
2005028296 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Gold Standard" 32R (030-26908)
2005028356 California State Lands Commission Sandras Clark - General Lease - Commercial Use
2005028333 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Star Fee" S326T (030-26939)
2005028327 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McKittrick Front" S493L (030-26934)
2005028350 California State Lands Commission Robert J. Engel, Trustee of the John and Evelyn Engel Trust One - Recreational Pier Lease
2003072004 City of Placerville Hangtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase III-A Improvements
2005028307 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0817N (030-26918)
2005021108 Kern County EAKC10-04; CUP 8, MAP 230-17; ZV 10; MAP 230-17
2005028330 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Star Fee" S481K (030-26936)
2005028284 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 588H-13 (030-26894)
2005028367 California State Lands Commission U.S Bureau of Reclamation - General Lease - Public Agency Use
2002091053 City of Rancho Cucamonga Cucamonga and West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (Etiwamda Creek DRC2003-01164, Richland Pinehurst DRC2002-00865 and Tracy Development DRC2003-010
2005028324 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "McKittrick Front" S505J (030-26931)
1990020776 San Joaquin County PA-0300362, PA-0400738
2005028287 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. K570 (030-26899)
2005028347 California State Lands Commission West Lake Investors, A Family Trust - Amendment of Lease
1995021002 City of San Diego TM 5066TE, Log No. 95-08-001NN, 4S Rnch Time Tentative Map Time Extension
2005022104 Placer County Cliff Parcel Map and Rezoning (OEQA 3835)
2005021105 San Bernardino County Redlands Town Center (246,000 square foot Shopping Center)
2005028304 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0720N (030-26915)
2005022107 Tehama County U.P. #05-01, Termo Company (Richard A. Larson, Surface Owner)
2005028310 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sea Breeze" 0817Q (030-26921)
2005028370 California State Lands Commission Bolero Lane, LLC - General Lease - Residential Use