Thursday, December 30, 2004

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15 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004091147 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Foothill Feeder Inspection and Maintenance Program
2001051048 City of Long Beach Douglas Park (EIR No. 36-02)
2004122144 Napa County Round Pond Winery / Use Permit #03529-UP
2004128430 Fish & Game #5 Spanish Broom and Debris Removal
2004122147 City of Galt Monterey Bay Court Well, Waterline Extension and Golden Heights WTP Improvement Project
2004128431 Los Angeles County Bouquet Canyon Widening (Culvert Replacement)
2004121152 City of Adelanto TTM 16530
2004128428 Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District Common Landowner Transfer of up to 6,000 AF of TLBWSD 2005 State Water Project Water to Westlands Water District
2002121143 City of Simi Valley Runkle Ranch Specific Plan Project (GPA-58/Z-S-570/SP-S-24/PD-S-930)
2004122146 Richvale Irrigation District Richvale Irrigation District 2005 Crop Idling Water Transfer Program
2002121051 Inyo County Crystal Geyser Roxane: Beverage Bottling Plant Light Industrial Project
1994091005 City of West Covina Heritage Gardens Cameron Park - Park Master Plan ZC-644
2004021059 Santa Barbara County 2003-08 Update to Santa Barbara County Comprehensive Plan's Housing Element ;
2003092084 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) South Bay Aqueduct Improvement and Enlargement Project
2004128432 California Department of Transportation, District 7 State Route 150 / Santa Paula Creek Weir Modifications Project