Monday, March 15, 2004
- Received Date
- 2004-03-15
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59 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2004038309 | NOE | Sacramento County | Robert Frost Park Facilities | |
2004032083 | NEG | City of Stockton | Faso Houseboat Sales, Repair and Restoration Project | |
2004049023 | NOD | Riverside County | EA 39061 | |
2004038306 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Lakeside Terrace and Timberlake HOA's Multiple Use Pier | |
2004032086 | NEG | City of Rocklin | Rocklin Housing Element Update | |
2004031067 | NEG | Stevinson Water District | Stevinson Water Transfer to Wildlife Refuges | |
2003081062 | NEG | Department of Toxic Substances Control | Proposed Plan / Draft Remedial Action Plan Operable Unit 1A Installation Restoration Program IRP 13S | |
1998012077 | NOD | Santa Clara County | Mountain Winery Concert Venue Expansion Project ASA | |
2004038340 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Programmatic Stream Maintenance Agreement No. R4-2001-0078 | |
2003042035 | FIN | City of Santa Rosa | Downtown Mixed-Use Project EIR | |
2004031075 | NEG | Kern County | EA KM 8-03; CUP No. 7, Map No. 83, (Poso Creek Painball by Jack Ratiff. (PPO4222)) | |
2001111033 | NEG | City of Carlsbad | Carlsbad Promenade - CT 00-19x1/HDP 00-10x1 | |
2003061139 | NOD | Riverside County | State Route 79 Project: Hunter Road to Thompson Road EA # 39082 | |
2004038612 | NOE | Las Virgenes Municipal Water District | Mildas Drive Pipeline Replacement Project | |
2004038337 | NOE | City of Carlsbad | CUP 03-24 - Nextel - Escondido Creek | |
2001021049 | NOP | Tulare County Association of Governments | 2001 Tulare County Regional Transportation Plan | |
2004059064 | NOD | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 8 (Santa Ana), Riverside | Amendment of the Santa Ana River Basin Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) Incorporating a TMDL for Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos | |
2002091118 | NOD | City of Buena Park | EIR No. 02-01/Conditional Use Permit No. CU-1345 / Master Plan No. MP03-01 / Tentative Tract Map No. TT-16524 | |
2004032081 | NEG | Sacramento County | Chatoff / Hovey Residence | |
2004011122 | NOD | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Injection of Gaseous Ozone for the Remediation of Groundwater at Former 76 Station #5195 | |
2004031076 | NOP | Orange County Sanitation District | Secondary Treatment and Plant Improvement Project | |
2003081051 | NOD | City of Hemet | Mitigated Negative Declaration for Vesting Tentative Tract 31446, in the City of Hemet, County of Riverside, State of California | |
2004031070 | NEG | City of Morro Bay | PG&E Creek Drainage Channel Clearing CDP 01-00 | |
2004038312 | NOE | Sacramento County | 4813 and 4825 Auburn Boulevard Tentative Parcel Map | |
2003101154 | NOD | San Diego County | TPM 20715: Log No. 03-014-001 - Kearney Minor Subdivision | |
2004038335 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Maintenance of Freeman Diversion | |
2004038338 | NOE | Fountain Valley School District | Sale of McDowell Property | |
2004038339 | NOE | City of Carlsbad | Vigilucci's Seafood and Steakhouse - CUP 2-19 | |
2000111103 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | 10-MER-99 KP 17.0/20.5 (PM 10.6/R 12.8) Convert Expressway to Freeway and Construct a Full Interchange at Mission Avenue | |
2004038611 | NOE | Las Virgenes Municipal Water District | Sewer Bridge Seismic Improvements | |
2004011140 | NOD | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Injection of Gaseous Ozone for Remediation of Groundwater at 76 Station #699 | |
2004031077 | NOP | Kern County Air Pollution Control District | National Cement Tire Derived Fuel Project | |
2002111107 | NOD | Fish & Game #7 | Upper Little Lake Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Project | |
2003041009 | FIN | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | State Route 39 Culvert Rehabilitation Project at Brown's Gulch | |
2003041009 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | State Route 39 Culvert Rehabilitation Project at Brown's Gulch | |
2004038336 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Pioneer Express Trail Repair - Avery's Pond Section, Folsom Lake SRA | |
2004031074 | NEG | Twentynine Palms Water District | Twentynine Palms Water District Project 2009 | |
2004031068 | NOP | San Luis Obispo County | Craig/Lucia Mar USD Land Use Ordinance Amendment ED00-124, G990025M | |
2004038310 | NOE | Sacramento County | Abondonment of sewer easement on APN 068-0011-103 | |
2004021035 | NOD | City of Delano | Parcel Map 11058 and Conditional Use Permit No. 2003-04 | |
2004032084 | NEG | Town of Corte Madera | Corte Madera Inn Parking Lot Expansion | |
2004038313 | NOE | Sacramento County | Gum Ranch Boundary Line Adjustment | |
2004031071 | NEG | City of Hesperia | GPA-2003-07, ZC-2003-20, and TT-16744 | |
2004038307 | NOE | City of Pomona | Certificate of Appropriateness - Major Alteration | |
2004021018 | EIR | City of Lake Elsinore | Lake Elsinore Town Center | |
2004039037 | NOD | City of Rancho Cucamonga | Subdivision of Tentative Tract 16167 | |
2004031069 | NEG | Los Angeles County | Liberty Canyon Project Tract Map 53100 | |
2004039038 | NOD | City of Santa Cruz | Alley Adjacent to 222 Pearl Street, Application No. 03-163 | |
2004038311 | NOE | Sacramento County | Tohidifar Tentative Parcel Map | |
2004031072 | NOP | Los Angeles County | Centennial Specific Plan | |
2004038314 | NOE | Sacramento County | UHALT Boundary Line Adjustment | |
2002041052 | NEG | Department of Toxic Substances Control | Proposed Plan / Draft Remedial Action Plan Operable Unit 1 B Installation Restoration Program IRP 3 and IRP 12 | |
2004038308 | NOE | San Bernardino County | Barstow College Remodel For Efficiency | |
1999041033 | NOD | City of Temecula | Ynez Bridge Widening Addendum to Harveston Specific Plan EIR | |
2003091131 | NOD | City of Stanton | Amendment No. 3 to the Redevelopment Plan for the Stanton Community Redevelopment Project Area | |
2004032082 | NEG | City of Colma | Hillside Class III Disposal Site - Amendment to 1994 Disposal Site Operations Agreement (DSOA); GPA/Zoning Amendment | |
2004032085 | NEG | Reclamation District 2060 | Hastings Tract Fish Screen and Intake Pipe Relocation Project | |
2004038305 | NOE | Chino Basin Water Conservation District (CBWCD) | Removing and Disposing of Silt & Debris from Montclair Recharge Basins #1 & 2 | |
2004038345 | NOE | Sacramento County | Detectable Guidance Tile Installation Project |