Wednesday, May 28, 2003

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29 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2003042105 California Department of Transportation, District 6 I-580/I-205 Truck Bypass, 4-ALA-580 KP L0.00/4.35 (PM L0.00/2.70) 4-ALA-205 KP L0.00/0.34 (PM L0.00/0.21)
2002071138 City of Colton West Valley Specific Plan Amendments, Big League Dreams Sports Facility, Hotel and Restaurant Project
2002122017 Contra Costa County Conono Phillips Petroleum, Inc. Refinery (Rodeo) Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Project
2003058411 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Leasing of Existing Office Space
2000079029 California Energy Commission Issuance of Minor Incidental Take Permit Amendment for additional 7.3 acres at High Desert Power Project
2001032084 Department of Food and Agriculture Proposed Pierce's Disease
2001032084 Department of Food and Agriculture Proposed Pierce's Disease
2003051144 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Weymouth Solids Handling Facilities Project
2003051145 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fort Ord Dunes General Plan
2003059090 San Diego County L 13368, Crosby Estates TM5073RPL Phase 4
2003069049 San Diego County Cole Grade Park Major Use Permit Modification; P98-026W; Log No. 98-08-044A
2003059089 San Diego County L14261, Log No. 99-14-046A, Adiai Grading Permit
2003059088 San Diego County Realty Executives MUP; P86-063 w2; Log No. 86-18-004A
2003059091 City of San Diego Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
2001122067 City of San Jose Metcalf Road Property General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Zoning
2003051143 Santa Barbara County Santa Maria Animal Shelter 03-ND-08
1996032086 City of Santa Clara Applied Materials Scott Campus Project
2001072036 City of Tiburon Tiburon Glen Residential Development Project
2003052124 University of California, Berkeley Richmond Field Station Remediation Project
2000012051 Yuba County Algodon Road: Construct Interchange on State Route 70
2003059086 Fish & Game #2 North Menzies Timber Harvest Plan #4-02-82CAL-19
2003059087 Fish & Game #2 North Mokey Timber Harvest Plan #4-02-71/CAL-13
2003058408 Fish & Game #2 State Route 124 Culvert Crossing
2003059085 Fish & Game #3 Southbrook Unit 10
2003058404 Fish & Game #3 Nathanson Creek Bank Repair
2003058407 Fish & Game #3 Alden Vineyards Erosion, Ranch Road, Grading, and Drainage Correction
2003058405 Fish & Game #3 Sediment Removal
2003059092 Fish & Game #5 Vintage Crest Senior Apartments
2003058410 Fish & Game #5 Streambed Alteration Agreement (5-2003-0084; Regarding the City of Mission Viejo Youth Athletic Park Debris Basin Maintenance Project [Project])