Monday, April 12, 1999

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53 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1999048153 California Department of Parks and Recreation Visitor Rehabilitaion center
1999042033 Siskiyou County Jerry and Dayna Crow Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-99-01)
1999041054 Department of Toxic Substances Control Remedial Action Plan for the Groundwater Operable Unit at the Britz Fertilizer, Inc. Facility, Five Points, California
1996031031 City of Hesperia Oak Hills Community Plan
1999048127 Modoc County Modoc County Road Department- Rehabilitation of 0.7 miles of Modoc County Road 54. EX99-07
1999042036 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Alder Conservation Camp - Construct Facilities and Utilities
1999021037 Riverside County Mead Valley Landfill Closure/Postclosure
1999042030 Tuolumne County Tuolumne County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan 99TC-02
1999041051 Kern County EAPW 10-98: CUP 17, Map 191-32
1999048150 California Department of Parks and Recreation Roof Replacement
1999048167 California Department of Parks and Recreation Westside Trail Rehabilitation/reroute (98/99-cd-34)
1999044002 United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Arroyo Pasajero Investigation, Feasibility Report, DEIR/DEIS
1999048124 City of Alturas City of Alturas - Rehabilitation of city streets-EX-99-11
1999048161 California Department of Parks and Recreation Footbridge Removal
1999042047 Santa Clara County Fairgrounds Revitalization
1999048164 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bridge Demolition
1999048168 California Department of Parks and Recreation Arceaological Site Excavation MPS-B-S2 (98/99-CD-32)
1999041049 City of San Diego Irving Residence
1999048125 Crescent City Roosevelt Water Service System Improments
1999042031 City of Sebastopol Soll Annexation and Subdivision
1999041052 Department of Toxic Substances Control Aerojet Chino Hills Facility - Proposed Corrective Measures
1999048148 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wright's Ranch House Improvements
1999048165 California Department of Parks and Recreation REPAIR RESTROOM # 2 ROOF (98/99-SD-30)
1999048162 California Department of Parks and Recreation Marsh Trail Causeway
1999048156 California Department of Parks and Recreation Upgrade Equestrain staging Area
1999048159 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mumbert Cabin Repairs
1999048160 California Department of Parks and Recreation Park Office Repairs
1999044001 United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Port of Hueneme Deep Draft Navigation
1999022066 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Hershey O' Dell Timberland Conversion, Napa County, 41.4 acres
1999048163 California Department of Parks and Recreation Dillon Point Trail Improvements
1999041055 California City Amendment to Airport Overlays
1999048154 California Department of Parks and Recreation Candle and soapworks buildings repair
1999021035 California Department of Parks and Recreation El Capitan State Beach Waterline Repair/ Stream Bank Erosion Repair
1999048131 Nor-Cal Electric Authority Acquisition and Operations of certain PacifiCorp Electric Transmission and Distribution Facilities and Assoiciated Assets
1999048157 California Department of Parks and Recreation Stagecoach Road Improvements
1999048134 Modoc County Modoc County Road Department- Rehabilitation of 15.3 miles of Modoc County Road 91. EX99-05
1999042037 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Interstate 80 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes
1999042034 Tuolumne County Black Oak Road Improvement Project
1999048151 California Department of Parks and Recreation Awning
1999041056 Los Angeles County Conditional Use Permit 98068
1999048155 California Department of Parks and Recreation Culvert replacemnt
1999048132 Modoc County Modoc County Road Department- Rehabilitation of 16.5 miles of Modoc County Road 1. EX99-04
1999049011 City of Calistoga Feige Canyon Waterline Replacement
1999048158 California Department of Parks and Recreation Stagecoach Road Improvements
1999042035 Stanislaus County GPA 99-03 & REZ 99-06 - South Salida Property Owners Association
1999048152 California Department of Parks and Recreation Repoint Mortar Jones
1999048169 California Department of Parks and Recreation Campground Ramadas (98/99-cd-35)
1999042032 Siskiyou County Mary Heppner, Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-97-14)
1999048146 Stanislaus County Office of Criminal Justice Planning Career Criminal Prosecution Grant
1999048149 California Department of Parks and Recreation English Ivy Cotrol
1999048126 Modoc County Modoc County Road Department- Rehabilitation of 11.3 miles of Modoc County Road 87. EX99-06
1999041050 City of Solana Beach Price Self Storage
1999048166 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fence Relocation (98/99-ccv-18)