SCH Number 2020060165
Project Info
- Title
- County Planning File PLN190063 (3030 Lemmon Court Minor Subdivision) Initial Study
- Description
- The proposed project is a minor subdivision application consisting of a four (4) lot subdivision. The subdivision will be considered in in two phases. The first phase would split the current 6.24-acre lot into a 3-acre lot and a 3.24-acre lot, the former with an additional septic system and a detention pond. The second phase (if the locally-adopted Local Agency Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Management Program is approved and allows for the four-lot subdivision as proposed) will consist of the following: separating the first phase’s 3-acre lot into three one-acre residential lots (Lots 1, 2, and 3) with septic systems; maintaining the first phase’s 3.24-acre lot, which includes the existing residence and barn (Lot 4); a 1.45-acre open space/conservation easement on the northeastern corner of proposed Lot 4; a 30-foot access easement straddling Lots 3 and 4 to provide new access to Lot 4; and detention pond on Lots 2 and 3.
2 documents in project