SCH Number 2020050267
Project Info
- Title
- Las Flores Enhanced Water Reliability Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Description
- The project includes installation of approximately 3,800 linear feet of 16-inch pipe and 6,390 linear feet of 8-inch pipe in residential streets and easements through previously disturbed open space. The project also involves the conversion of the Las Flores Lift Station, currently out of service, to a recycled water booster pump station, and the rehabilitation of an approximately 3,650-foot-long 10-inch existing force main in the ROW within Antonio Parkway. Rehabilitation of the 10-inch force main would be performed using a trenchless rehabilitation method where a liner would be inserted within the existing forcemain for structural reinforcement. Two access points at existing manholes within Antonio Parkway are necessary for proper installation of the liner. Upon completion, the project would permanently convert a total of 209 AFY of irrigation demand from potable to recycled water.
2 documents in project