SCH Number 2020030351

Project Info

Rezone Sites for Housing Project
Note: Per Lead Agency, original review period start date of 3/11/2020, has been extended to end on 5/8/2020. The project includes site identification, environmental analysis, and rezoning of urban sites for by-right medium density housing. This project will add sites to the County's Housing Element site inventory to comply with the new inventory requirements, and will implement current General Plan Policies and Programs including Policy HE-2f to consider a variety of sites for higher-density and affordable housing, and Housing Element Programs 11 and 20 which encourage the identification of urban sites near jobs and transit which may appropriately accommodate additional housing. The project includes: 1) a General Plan Map amendment as necessary to adjust allowable densities on identified sites; 2) rezoning of sites to match new general plan densities or to add the AH (Affordable Housing) or WH (Workforce Housing) combining zones; and 3) a program EIR to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the project. The project is intended to facilitate and encourage by-right housing development.
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Sonoma County Rezone Sites for Housing Project
Sonoma County Rezone Sites for Housing Project