SCH Number 2020019053

Project Info

19500 Main Street Digital Billboards Project
The proposed project would replace an existing single static/traditional sign structure with a double-sided digital sign structure and install a new double-sided digital sign structure on a vacant lot located adjacent to northbound Interstate 405 (1-405). The project site was a former organic refuse landfill site and is listed pursuant to Government Resources Code Section 65962.5. The project would require the discretionary approvals of a Development Agreement, a Zone Text Amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and two Variances. The project would also require an Outdoor Advertising Display Permit from the California Department of Transportation and likely a Dewatering Permit from the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Carson NOD for the 19500 Main Street Digital Billboards Project
City of Carson 19500 Main Street Digital Billboards Project