SCH Number 2020019048
Project Info
- Title
- Country Club Heights Erosion Control Project - Phase 3
- Description
- The Project site is an existing residential development south of South Lake Tahoe and is bounded by Hwy 50 / SR 89 to the west, Elks Club Drive/ Waverly Drive to the south, Boca Raton Drive to the east, and the Upper Truckee River to the north. The Project proposes to improve water quality, restore an impacted Stream Environment Zone (SEZ), and achieve recreation and natural resource objectives within the Project area. This includes removal of non-native fill for flood plain restoration and infiltration basin construction, construction of a shared use ADA path, reconstruct and reduce an existing paved parking lot with a sidewalk & 2-unit rest room, and constructing a section of a shared use trail on an existing impacted surface. The Project will not change the use of the site or surrounding area and will benefit the natural environment with its implementation.
3 documents in project