SCH Number 2019129082

Project Info

NOD - Riparian Habitat Restoration at Grayson Riverbend Preserve
The project will restore vegetation on floodplain lands along the San Joaquin River. Detailed information is provided in the Draft Restoration Plan for the Riparian Habitat Restoration at Grayson Riverbend Preserve Project (final version expected Winter 2019). This project will result in permanent restoration of ~190 acres of agricultural cropland and has the potential to improve conditions for threatened or endangered wildlife as well as the local community through improved flood management.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Reclamation District 2092 NOD - Riparian Habitat Restoration at Grayson Riverbend Preserve
Reclamation District 2092 Addendum to CEQA Negative Declaration - Riparian Habitat Restoration at Grayson Riverbend Preserve
Reclamation District 2029 Riparian Habitat Restoration at Grayson Riverbend Preserve