SCH Number 2019129035

Project Info

Weissman (Dipsea Ranch) Land Division Mitigated Negative Declaration
The applicant is requesting approval to subdivide an existing 8.29-acre lot into 3 single-family residential lots. Residential development currently exists at the property and access to the site is proposed to be provided via the existing entry driveway at 455 Panoramic Highway. The project includes a proposal to install two new on-site sewage disposal systems to serve Lots 2 and 3. Water service would be provided by the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD). The project also includes the incorporation of a storm water management plan that utilizes a system of storm drains, cisterns and bioswales to address runoff.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Marin County Weissman (Dipsea Ranch) Land Division
Marin County Weissman (Dipsea Ranch) Land Division Mitigated Negative Declaration